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Posts under ‘Commentary’

The Five Commandments of Successful Students

Mariann Lumsargis The Paw Print  “It’s all Harry Potter’s fault,” she said, in an upset whine. “I tried so hard to study for the test, but my roommate had Harry Potter on and you know it’s my favorite movie. I tried so hard and now I’m going to fail. I told the professor, but he […]

Spring Break in a Winter Wonderland

Toni Ortivez The Paw Print   The anticipation of spring break is overwhelming when the constant string of projects and homework assignments flood over the average college student. Dreams of warm days, spending time with family, or catching up with old friends are the perfect antidotes for the stress and anxiety of school.  Even the […]

Times are Changing and so is Adams State College

Toni Ortivez The Paw Print Adams State College is a place where many students come to get a quality education for a fraction of the cost of many other colleges. It is a small campus that has its quirks but is cozy nonetheless. However, these quirks are being drastically changed to try to compete with […]

Party of Fear’s Fundraising Strategy

Anthony Guerrero The Paw Print Sarah Palin traveled to Canada to take advantage of the state’s Single Payer System, and how is everyone today that’s trudging the fight towards socialism? Doing well, I hope. If our government passes this legislation, I’ve made up my mind; I am moving to Costa Rica. Of course, I’ll have […]

Right-Wing Conservative Anger at All Time High

Anthony Guerrero The Paw Print Ever since the election of President Obama, right-wing conservative anger has been at an all time high.  It is understandable to be upset and devastated when your party is completely removed from power, when the other party gains a super-majority, and when you insist on continuing to believe in failed […]

Cross Town Traffic

Toni Ortivez The Paw Print  “Cross town traffic, all you do is slow me down.” These are not just lyrics by Jimi Hendrix, but also an accurate description of what ASC students are going through every day.  Traveling to Adams State College is no different, especially with the renovations and improvements currently being made to […]

Home, Green Home

Samantha Saville The Paw Print The new class offered this semester on building “green” homes is taught by Chuck Reel who owns the company Natural Power. This class is offered on Saturdays in the business building. Students can sign up for this class for credit through the school or can take the classes individually and […]

January election Special

Anthony Guerrero The Paw Print                 On Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 a special election was held in the state of Massachusetts to replace the Senate seat vacated by the late Senator Kennedy.  This should have been an easy win for the Democratic Party.  Ted Kennedy held this seat for close to forty-seven years, and a […]

New Residence Hall to be feature in Remodeled Campus

By Jesse Medina By now you have noticed the road outside of the Student Union Building has been closed off for sometime due to construction. That construction is for the new residence hall and student activity center. The new community housing facilities and housing building will be located where the parking lot next to the […]

Attractive vs. Successful

Jessi Swopes   South Coloradan             The world is full of diverse looking people.  Some people are beautiful and others are referred to as unattractive.  Many people are envious of those fortunate enough to be attractive.  This line has been used to ease their distress for ages: “It is what is on the inside that counts”.  […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
