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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Letter to ASC Students

Dear ASC Students: Before the spring semester concludes, I want to share information regarding tuition and fees for the 2010-11 academic year, as well as new opportunities for financial aid and scholarships.

Arizona Immigtration Laws

Anthony Guerrero The Paw Print            It is a sad time for the United States of America, as Arizona has passed a new “immigration law” which borders on similarities to Nazi Germany.  This law would make it illegal to be in Arizona as an illegal immigrant.  But that’s not where the problem lies.  It lies in […]

La Puente: Hospital Dining Goes Green

Gina Akers The Paw Print As part of La Puente’s Hunger Education Week, a series of articles has been written and published in the Valley Courier highlighting different organizations and individuals who are doing work to combat hunger and diet-related issues.  This is one of the articles in the series, highlighting SLV Regional Medical Center’s […]

Self Injury: Equivalent to Letting Out a Sigh

Mariah Gaucin Imagine this: A young lady is sitting alone in her room with the lights off and the shades drawn. She’s crying uncontrollably and nothing she can do will make herself feel better. Her boyfriend just broke up with her, her friends are talking about her behind her back, her siblings are pests, and […]

Same-Sex Marriage: Everyone Should Have the Right to Love

Dominique Davis             Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to get the chance to know very determined and whole-hearted people. One of the most driven people I know would have to be my competitive volleyball coach from high school. Every single day before practice, he would gather us all in a circle and […]

What Was So Noteworthy

**Author not available at this time. At the beginning of last week a friend of mine asked a rhetorical question, “What is so noteworthy about it?” after staring at a poster advertizing “A Noteworthy Evening.” And now, after having attended the prestigious event, I have an answer.

The Heart of La Puente

 Melissa Gant I work at La Puente Shelter three days a week, and I never know what my day is going to be like when I show up for my shift. We prepare and serve three meals a day, check guests in and out, strip beds, clean rooms, and give out hygiene kits and gas vouchers. […]

Suicide: The Third Leading Cause of Death in America

Tanya Lister After completing her morning tasks at the Adolescent Residential Treatment Center (RTC), my sister walked into her room after telling a friend she was going to rest until lunch. Twelve o’ clock arrived, and she was nowhere to be seen. After looking throughout the building, a resident of the center went to my […]

The Heart of La Puente

Sarah Elsey The Paw Print How much do you know about your community? I found myself at La Puente, through AmeriCorps, after graduating from college in May 2009.  My relationship with La Puente differs from the people who find themselves at La Puente at the age of 18 after being kicked out of their mom’s […]

Health Care Reform is Passed After Long Process

Audrey Martinez The Paw Print One of the most talked about elements of the Obama administration policy is the universal health care plan. It is one of the most complex and least understood issues in American politics today.  The matter of this issue is that health care costs have shot out of control, leaving many […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
