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Posts under ‘Commentary’

ASC Campus Safety Starts With You

Sara Wilbur and James Dwyer The Paw Print Every year a new batch of freshmen move away from home and onto a college campus. Being away from home for the first time can be scary enough, add not knowing where anything is located or who people are, and the new environment can be extremely threatening. […]

The Silent Epidemic of Rural Homelessness

Lance Cheslock The Paw Print Rural homelessness is a silent epidemic afflicting thousands of individuals and families every year.  The plight of the rural homeless receives little attention, and subsequently, only meager federal and philanthropic resources have come forward to address the problem.  The result is often called “Greyhound Therapy” meaning that the rural homeless […]

Proposed Poster policy Needs Radical Revision

Dr. David Mazel The Paw Print Freedom of speech is a core American value. College campuses in particular, because of their key role in the marketplace of ideas, have a responsibility to allow the free exchange of ideas. That responsibility is enshrined by Adams State in its Vision Statement, which commits us to “embracing diversity […]

AS&F Responds to Conflict

Lisa Chireileison The Paw Print In response to Micah Anderson’s article “Problems with AS&F Senate’s First Meeting” in the Paw Print about the AS&F Government meeting on August 30th: The Excecutive Board of AS&F formally apologizes for making a procedural mistake by entering Executive Session during the August 30 meeting.  It was strictly a training […]

Homeless On the Adams State Campus

Samantha Saville The Paw Print For all of you who don’t know about the mess with housing let me explain it to you. Last spring when it was time to fill out paperwork for living on campus next year, the ladies in housing made everyone fill out a piece of paper for the new apartments. […]

Welcome Back! From La Puente

The Heart of La Puente The Paw Print Welcome back to Alamosa and Adams State College!  You are returning to a place rich in diversity, but also plagued by continual need.  For new readers, we want to take this week to share La Puente’s organizational story with you.  For nearly three decades, La Puente has […]

Problems With AS&F Senate’s First Meeting

Micah Anderson The Paw Print Before I jump right in, let it be known that I take full responsibility for this article and that I have no affiliation with the AS&F Senate, other than the fact that they use my student fees – and yours – so they may function. My words are mine alone […]

The Frustrating Parking Situation at Adams State

Callie Henton The Paw Print Hate parking at ASC? I know I do. The two main factors about the parking that frustrate me the most are a lack of parking places and parking that looks like the driver might need to invest in some parking lessons.

A Freshman’s Perspective of Adam’s State College

Savannah Schlaufman The Paw Print Why did you decide on Adams State?”  This was the first question an RA asked me on August 19, my first day on campus.  At the time I didn’t have an answer.  With all the thoughts, concerns, and questions of my own buzzing in my head, I couldn’t even comprehend […]

Stress, Stressors, and Solutions

HPPE 120 Class Stress is part of life no matter how hard a person tries to avoid it.  Students at ASC are no exception to this rule.  When students in Betty Block’s HPPE 120 Concepts in Wellness looked into the issue of stress at ASC, they learned a lot about stress, stressors, and solutions.  What […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
