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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Baseball Smells and the Homeless Shelter

Alex Breington The Paw Print Trying to understand poverty solely through numbers is like looking at baseball purely through statistics.  The fact that Ty Cobb had a career batting average of .366 just can’t say as much as the famous picture of him on the ground in a cloud of dust: spikes in the air, […]

Homecoming Bonfire at Adams

Jazmine Porras The Paw Print Students gathered around the softball field last Thursday night to watch the local firefighters conduct their business. However, the students were not standing around in the cold night air hoping to see some excitement or danger while the firefighters put out a fire. This time, students watched as these men, […]

Deer Shooting at a Standstill

Samantha Saville The Paw Print Five poor, innocent deer were shot in front of Richardson Hall last spring. The deer shooting on campus happened almost six months ago, and the case is now at a standstill.

Letter to the Editor: Free Speech on the ADams State Campus

Lace King The Paw Print Savannah Schlaufman wrote an article titled “Free Speech on Campus” for last week’s edition of the Paw Print. The article details her dissatisfaction with the individuals who successfully brought awareness and positive change to the proposed poster policy. She also supports the authors of the policy, making a case for […]

Obama’s Justice Department Struggles to Prosecute Guantanamo

Dr. Mark Finney The Paw Print The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that a civilian judge presiding over Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani’s terrorism trial in New York barred prosecutors from calling a witness who was named by Ghailani after being tortured (or “harsh interrogation techniques” as we have euphemistically come to know it) by U.S. officials […]

Free Speech on Campus

Savannah Schlaufman The Paw Print Free speech has become a hot button issue around campus lately.  What started off as a simple policy to help with the over clutter of outdated posters on bulletin boards everywhere, has escalated into all out warfare against the AS&F Senate.  The problem with the outcry against the policy, is […]

Necessary Evils

Dr. Mark Finney The Paw Print I received a call last weekend from a representative of the Colorado Firefighter’s Charitable Foundation who asked me for a donation.  He explained that the FFCF assists the families of firefighters who are injured on the job, assists the victims of fires and helps pay firefighters’ medical bills when […]

H.O.P.E. Week

From Monday September 27 to Sunday October 3 La Puente will be hosting H.O.P.E. Week (Homeless Organizations Promoting Education).  The week kicks off with a compelling documentary “American Harvest” at the Student Life Center on Adams State Campus on Monday September 27 at 7 P.M. 

Feminists Are Not the Problem (Neither Are Men)

Mari Centeno The Paw Print Mariann Lumsargis’ recent piece about the dangers of feminism was interesting and well written.  I hope that it will generate much needed discussion about contemporary gender equality.  That said, it contained a number of issues that must be addressed. The first is her narrow and distorted use of the term […]

Heart of La Puente: the Need Unseen

Craig DenUyl The Paw Print “That was my house growing up,” said my guide, M.B.  “And that’s the park where they used to freeze to death in the winters,” she added pointing almost directly across the street.  That day M.B. drove me all around her Colorado town, located just a short drive outside of the […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
