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Posts under ‘Commentary’

La Puente–A Reason to Get Married?

Stephany Nellessen If you have not yet been to see Zapata Falls, I highly encourage you to. The falls are so moving that you never know what it might inspire you to do—get married, perhaps? That’s exactly what it did for Richard and Lacy Stepp. Their story is quite astounding. Richard and Lacy recently came […]

9/11: Perspectives from 10 Years Later

Sara Loggin Where were you last Tuesday at, say, 11:39am? You can’t remember, can you? Now tell me, dear reader, where you were September 11, 2001. You may not remember every second of that day, but I bet you can tell me just where you were when you heard about the attacks on the United […]

The Heart of La Puente

By Stephany Nellessen   Saturday, July 30, approx-imately 8 p.m. I finally made it to Colorado and although I am just approaching Denver I have an alluring view of the sun setting over the mountains. The sky is dark with a hint of orange and that bright ball of fiery light hardly revealing itself behind […]

College Is About More than Just Getting a Good Job

By David Mazel   One of the lessons of global warming is that our planet is becoming more and more of an artifact. More and more, our world is not what nature made it but what we are making it. What kind of world is it that we are making? And what kind of world […]

Construction Continues on the McDaniels Project

Will Cameron The Paw Print Beginning (what will hopefully be) my final undergraduate semester at Adams State College I am inclined to ponder the flurry of activity on campus that seems to promise wonderful things for the classes of the future.  However, it seems that I will miss many of the improvements and spend my […]

NFL Lockout Now More Likely Than Ever

Jesse Medina The Paw Print   Football is one of the most popular sports in the entire world. One could go about anywhere and find some trace of NFL regalia. Super Bowl Sunday itself has become a national holiday, effectively shutting down most of America.

Bin Laden’s Death Beneficial for Humanity and Peace

Lance Hostetter The Paw Print About a year ago I wrote a column centered on the basic idea of John Donne’s “Meditation 17.” In the meditation, Donne writes a rather poignant paragraph pondering the loss of human life and the correlation to the rest mankind: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man […]

Bin Laden Death Celebration Inappropriate, Hypocritical

James Williams The Paw Print On Sunday evening, an undeniable sense of relief washed over the majority of the nation as President Obama announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan. That sense of relief is justified. Clearly, he was an evil man who celebrated violence against any and all whom he deemed […]

Disney Princesses to Blame for Lack of Boyfriend

Elizabeth Young The Paw Print Most—if not all—fairy tales end with, “…and they all lived happily ever after.” This is a simple way tao end the story if you were reading it to a five-year-old, but it gives the child the impression that if she finds Prince Charming, everything in life will be hunky-dory for […]

Westboro Baptist Church Represents Everything Wrong with Humanity

Lance Hostetter The Paw Print Almost two months after the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Westboro Baptist Church could legally protest soldiers’ funerals, the church members finally got what they deserved – to be beaten, physically. Two weeks ago, while attempting to protest a soldier’s funeral in Rankin County, Mississippi, the citizens of […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
