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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Ladies and Social Media Jealousy

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print Ladies, I know that with this headline you’re probably thinking; “there she goes, bitching about how the media utilizes Photoshop and advertisements to make us all feel insecure.” Well, you are correct about how unfairly media portrays women in our society, but today I am talking about another type of […]

Trustees Endorse Proposition 10 to Support Education

Julie M. Waechter PR Department The Board of Trustees for Adams State College voted to support Ballot Proposition 103, following a presentation at its Sept. 30 meeting on campus by the proposition’s sponsor, State Senator Rollie Heath (D-Boulder). Heath explained the proposition would restore state tax rates to 1990s levels for five years, in effect […]

Cameron Responds to Dr. Shults Letter

Will Cameron The Paw Print Dr. Shults— If anything I would encourage you to continue your religious endeavors in the hopes that continued readings will lead you to forgive me for blaspheming your faith.  Faith is between yourself and God, and the First Amendment is merely a mortal law set forth to guide our government.  […]

Religion and Politics: A Volatile Mix

Dr. Joel Shults ASCPD Please convey my thanks to writer Will Cameron for putting me in my place. As a person of faith who, regardless of my failings, looks to sacred writings, prayer and meditation, and the wisdom of spiritual advisers as an essential part of shaping my world view and, indeed, my life I […]

The Injustice of Domestic Abuse is Examined by the Theatre Department

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print The artistic talent, reputation and impact of the Adams State theater department are well established and continue to grow with each passing season.   The array of themes that the theater department has successfully tackled has proved their dedication to their craft and has allowed the department to win multiple state […]

The Heart of La Puente: HOPE Week Approaches

Stephany Nellessen La Puente Volunteer HOPE Week is made up of a series of events hosted by La Puente to raise awareness of homelessness in the San Luis Valley. 20.5 percent of the residents of the Valley live below the poverty line, including 31.8 percent of the children. La Puente is a non-profit organization that […]

College Checkered: On Friends with Benefits

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print I’ve been noticing this happening lately: “Let’s be untitled, not get into the whole boyfriend/girlfriend titles.” That’s right, I’m speaking about the phenomenonon called “friends with benefits” and it seems to be a common occurrence at ASC. Friends with benefits have gained popularity in the dating scene as more college […]

New Amendments to the ASC Constitution

Due to the lack of interest shown towards assuming the Vice President of Finance position on the AS&F Student Government Executive Board, the current station is vacant. Willing individuals outside of the body have shown an interest in taking over this critical role; however, stipulations in the constitution (specifically Article IV. Section 2b.) prevent their […]

Prime Minister Putin to Run for President

Will Cameron The Paw Print This weekend, in a not-so-shocking newsflash from Russia, we find that Vladimir Putin will once again be running for president of Russia next spring.  Putin’s previous eight year term as president, and his consecutive run as prime minister, put him in position to secure these high political offices for 24 […]

HOPE Week at La Puente Homeless Shelter

Stephany Nellessen La Puente Volunteer Join La Puente for a week of events to raise awareness of hunger and homelessness in the San Luis Valley. HOPE Week will begin on Saturday, Sept. 24 with an all night sleep-out. A Mile of Hope run will began at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 25. On Wed., Sept. […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
