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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Shining Light on Migrant Season at La Puente

Katie Stiel The Paw Print One day while silently observing the guests at La Puente’s Shelter, I noticed guests with scrapped fingers, callused hands and sun burnt skin. Throughout our conversation during our lunch, I learned that several of the guests were migrant workers. The injuries I saw were from their intense labor from gleaning, […]

Money Rush in Cash Strapped Mine-Golia?

Nicholas Hedge The Paw Print Take a guess at what country had the most rapidly growing economy last year.  Was it the ever economic giant China? No.  An oil rich country like Saudi Arabia? No, another Asian tiger like Japan or Hong Kong? Well, that’s not too far off the mark, but it’s not any […]

Can We Travel to Space Without a Spacecraft?

Amita Manandhar The PawPrint As a new student in Adams State University, I had no idea what all the hype was about the planetarium. Last Saturday was the first time I had visited the planetarium, before that day I just used to watch the place from outside. Occasionally I saw few people walking around the […]

Hard Work and Passion is the Key to Success

Jose Orozco The Paw Print Many disciplines across cultures have several tenants they abide by to live a healthy, happy life. So here are some tips that can help you maintain an optimal quality of life for minimal cost. Just for today, do not worry, do not get angry, be kind, be grateful, and work […]

Bush and Obama Two Heads of the Same Monster

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print From the Bible pushing Bush Boys to Obama’s “Change” campaign, the face of American presidential politics has received an extreme makeover. Since November 4,2009 a black man has occupied the white house instead of the usual privileged, pale white faces which have dominated presidential politics since America’s inception.  Many starry […]

Some Blessings and Experiences are in Disguise

Jake Hughes The Paw Print So, hopefully this is the first of many articles that I write for the Paw Print, but, for now this is my first. I would like to introduce myself and give you all a little insight to who I am, where I’m from and how I got the chance to […]

College Checkered: Your relationships with other people have nothing to do with me.

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print I’m friends with a lot of people who aren’t friends with each other. They either don’t like one another, a falling out occurred, or whatever the reason is, they wouldn’t be caught dead in the same room with each other. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean I’m purposely not […]

Seattle’s Best is not Good Enough

David Mazel English Department Don’t get me wrong. McDaniel Hall is awesome. But it’s not quite finished. One thing in particular it still lacks: a coffee shop. Not a Seattle’s Best vending machine. A coffee shop. The building’s renovation plan called for just such a shop on the first floor, something like the late Jazzman’s […]

International Students: Differences Between Two Continents

Amita Manandhar The Paw Print International is a word that is so foreign, yet we are always eager to learn about anything or anyone associated with this word. As humans we are always curious to learn about new culture, new people and new places. Some of us learn by reading, some learn by watching and […]

College Checkered: Let’s Get Acquainted, Shall We?

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print My name is Brenda Figueroa, and I’m on my last semester at Adams State University. I’m just a simple lady who maintains that life is a fragile bit of luck in a world based on chance, that Vodka should be a beverage a girl can marry, that we all secretly […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
