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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Fearful Future: College Enrollment Still Declining

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print First off, is anyone surprised by this? College costs a lot of money, loans are becoming scarce and financial aid is hard to qualify for! Once you do get into college and pay for the courses, books are added on, some classes requiring two or three books each! You can […]

Bad Habits for Your Car and Tips to Prevent Them

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print At this age, most of us are just scraping by or taking out loan after loan. One thing some of us have is a car. Cars are pretty much necessary for where we live and at this age. But they can be hard to come by. If you own a […]

Looking Back Before Moving Towards the Future

Pauline Vigil The Paw Print Think about all the decisions you made today, this past week, this past month. How many times have you looked back on a recent decision and thought, “what if I had done things differently?” Sometimes the best way to make better decisions in the future is to learn from the […]

Should the Game Integrity be Hindered for Safety

Nicole Schafter The Paw Print One of the largest debates in women’s sports regards the proposal “Should helmets be required for High School and collegiate women’s lacrosse programs?” The reason this has become a well-known debate in the world of athletics is because of the high amount of head injuries females are experiencing at a […]

Multi Level Marketing and How to Use it for Money

Steven Petrov The Paw Print I just want to start this article by saying that the company that is analyzed, is just use as an example for the sake of better explanation of the MLM concept. We briefly touched on the topic and the idea of gaining an additional monthly income from using some simple […]

The Missing Link to a Healthier Lifestyle on Campus

Carlos Santos The Paw Print Being a college student here at Adams State University is pretty awesome; the school has lots of events, friendly faculty, a favorable female to male ratio, and good sports teams. The facilities are modern and have all the newest equipment ranging from Mac computers to the Climbing wall, and there […]

Why 1+1 doesn’t = 2? Retirement and Independence

Steven Petrov The Paw Print Throughout our whole lives we have been taught that simple math can be applied to almost anything, and is correct 100% of the time. Well what if I tell you that when dealing with either sales or services while using the Multi Level Marketing concept 1+1 can equal infinity. What […]

New Game Inspired by Education on Safe Sex

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Sex, it’s something we’ve all heard of (I hope), and something a lot of us have already participated in. Our day in society, sex is all around us! We see it on television, we see it on our computers, and we hear about it in our classes, and some of […]

Letter From Doodads

Doodads The Paw Print Have you ever thought about changing the world? Have you ever wanted to do something worthwhile? Well you don’t have to discover a cure for cancer or save people from a burning building to do it. It’s the small opportunities given to you every day that can make the most difference. […]

National Cyber Security Awareness Month is Here

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print This year is the 10th Anniversary of National Cyber Security Awareness Month! National Cyber Security Awareness Month is a broad effort by government, industry, and education to help everyone stay safe and secure online. Adams State University is one of the partner champions for the campaign. This October, you will […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
