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Posts under ‘Commentary’

Overcoming that Feeling of Getting Back into School

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print We’ve had a nice break! Sleeping in, relaxing, visiting family, whatever it was; it’s time to get back into the swing of school! It’s that time again, to get used to homework, late night study sessions, final exams, deadlines, papers, the list goes on and on! The start of the […]

Preparing for the Holidays Through Stressful Times

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print It’s that time of year again! Cramming for tests, submitting assignments, finishing up the semester, and planning winter break! On top of that, we have gifts to get, dorms to decorate, and Spring semester to prepare for! How do we keep it all together? I’ve found a few tips as […]

A Matter of Self Protection or Pure Warmongering

Jake Hughes The Paw Print How many times are guns actually used for self-protection? With the outbreak of firearm related murders over the past decade, the cry for stricter firearm regulations is now more than ever. The controversial debate is orientating around keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and in the hands of […]

Need Energy? Some Quick Tips to Help Energize

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print I recently read an article about how to have more energy throughout the day; I found it important because day light savings always messes me up. My body’s clock is so off for the next week or so that I’m exhausted all day, even after sleeping 8 hours the night […]

A Tribute to Jim Gilmore’s Scenes of Nature in Bronze

Jonathan Payne The Paw Print I cannot pretend to be anything other than completely impressed by the Jim Gilmore Retrospective. Walking into the Hatfield Gallery the first sculpture I saw was of a mountain lion stretched out, leaping from the ground as its forepaw grazes the wing of a hawk. This piece was entitled “On […]

Civil Unrest with Government and a Cry for Revolution

Peter Levine The Paw Print We Americans are in a bad mood about our nation and our public life. Three quarters say the country is on the wrong track. Some of us may be especially angry at the current Congress, at President Obama—or both—but the roots of our discontent go deeper than that. Maybe we are […]

Box Office Hits- What to See and What to Avoid

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print Have you noticed how many hit movies are coming out recently? I sure have! I’m not a big movie person but a few have struck my interest so I decided to look into movies that are breaking into theaters. To start with, it seems everyone is turning books into movies […]

The Essence of Being Seen as a Normal Person

Maggie Spurr The Paw Print It was early December. I remember the night as though it was last night. I vividly remember slow dancing in the light from the streetlights, the sound of her voice, and the way her hand felt in mine. I said, “Baby, what do you want for your birthday?” The silence […]

Can You Make Up for Lost Sleep During the Weekend

Steven Petrov The Paw Print Undesired weight gaining pointed out as one of the consequences of lack of adequate sleeping hours In our modern day world, many of us are sometimes “forced” by our job, responsibilities, or just by personal conviction of being more productive late at night, to neglect our sleeping routine. When asked […]

Shooting Horror at Los Angeles International Airport

Jessica Shawcroft The Paw Print By now I’m sure we’ve all heard about the shooting that happened at Los Angeles International Airport on November 1, 2013 around 9:30 am. The accounts are everywhere, massive panic spread throughout the terminal and millions of people were left stranded. The airport stopped allowing planes to land and sent […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
