When I started this journey, I asked myself 8 questions. What will I see? I saw the joy and happiness in the faces of the 12 people I traveled with. It didn’t matter that we had been in a crowded van for 6 hrs on two-lane highway with construction. I saw the contentment in Marisa’s […]
Posts on ‘April 6th, 2016’
Final Reflection By Soledad Dominguez
We all made a difference! This ASB experience will be unforgettable for many of us. I am sure words cannot explain enough about the involvement, the emotions, the eye openings, the social justice issues, etc., we all had during this trip. So much can happen in just a week. We all are a group of […]
AS&F Candidate Forum
Today – Wednesday, April 6th @ noon in the Student Life Center in the SUB! Join us to have a constructive discussion and ask questions to the candidates. This is a safe environment and no obscenity or disrespectful behavior will be allowed. All students, staff, and faculty are welcomed! For questions or info, email madrigala@grizzlies.adams.edu or asf@grizzlies.adams.edu.