Rachel Heaton The Paw Print Adams State’s 20 unanswered points in the fourth quarter just weren’t enough to seal a comeback against the Colorado Mesa University (CMU) Mavericks on Saturday night at Rex Stadium. The Grizzlies fell 28-20, dropping this season’s record to 1-2 overall and 0-1 in Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference (RMAC) play. The […]
Posts on ‘September 25th, 2014’
Manchester City F.C. and Chelsea F.C. Face Off
Steven Petrov The Paw Print The legendary Frank Lampard “punished” his former teammates from Chelsea and stopped Mourinho’s 4 consecutive wins streak Manchester City F.C. 1:1 Chelsea F.C. The former Chelsea captain Frank Lampard, who spent 13 years at Stamford Bridge, had recently joined “The citizens” of Manchester. On Sunday, September 21st, Manchester City FC […]
Empower Yourself with Tu Casa, Inc
Asha Holsopple Tu Casa, Inc. Every year La Puente hosts HOPE Week, a series of community events designed to promote understanding and boost education about homelessness. Throughout the week there will be a series of events and articles shared with the community. For more information please visit http://lapuenteevents.wordpress.com or our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/lapuentehome.com Imagine having […]
Finding Hope in HOPE Week
Nicole Fogarty La Puente Every year La Puente hosts HOPE Week, a series of community events designed to promote understanding and boost education about homelessness. Throughout the week there will be a series of events and articles shared with the community. For more information please visit http://lapuenteevents.wordpress.com or our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/lapuentehome.com “No one has […]
Adams State Sees Growth in Retention, Student Credit Load
ALAMOSA, CO. (Sept. 19, 2014) . . . Adams State University is making progress in two key areas that contribute to degree completion: first-year student retention and student credit load. The university also set another record in graduate student enrollment: 969, a three percent increase from last year. The persistence of first-time, full-time students from […]
State Seeks Input on Higher Education Funding
Oct. 1 meeting at Adams State University ALAMOSA, CO. (Sept. 18, 2014) . . . The Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) is holding a public meeting about a new funding formula for Colorado public higher education in Alamosa. It will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 1, in Adams State University’s Student […]
What Campus Bookstores Doesn’t Tell You on Saving Money
Alexandra Rivera The Paw Print Almost every university has a book store that has everything you need for your classes books, supplies etc. However, have you ever thought, “Why books are so expensive and where does the money go?” Have you ever wondered if there is a better way to save money? The answer to […]
“La Vida de una Mexicana”
Brenda Perez The Paw Print La vida de un mexicano nunca es fácil especial mente cuando tienes la mayoría de tu vida viviendo aquí. La gente de aquí y la gente de tu misma raza siempre te ven diferente porque ya nomas cruzando la frontera no eres ni de aquí ni de haya. Siendo chiquita […]
Focus on These Foods for a Good Mood
Steven Petrov The Paw Print The food that we consume doesn’t only represent an inseparable and incredibly important part of our physical health but also influences our emotional state. This in turn determines our whole mood throughout a certain period of time. If you feel under some stress, frustration, or depression, this article will show […]