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Posts from ‘September, 2011’

Go GAB- Adams State College Grizzly Activity Board

Megan Smith The Paw Print The Grizzly Activity Board is a volunteer student organization that is responsible for designing and implementing a variety of events, programs and services for the college. They meet weekly throughout the regular school year and meetings are open to the public. The new Executive Board currently includes President Vanios Queen, […]

United States Wasting Billions After a Decade of War in Iraq

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Approaching the 10 year anniversary of the war in Afghanistan, a pair of recently released bipartisan reports investigating the Pentagon and their handling of the Afghanistan war have begun to raise concern throughout the nation. According to the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting, $31 billion to $60 billion that was […]

Adams State College or University, What is the Big Deal?

Megan Smith The Paw Print Many opinions have been flying around campus as to how changing the Adams State College name to University would affect students, staff/faculty, and the Alamosa community. After much research the board of trustees came to a final 8-1 decision on August 26 to the start the process of changing the […]

Men Win Close, Women Put up Five in Green/White Scrimmages

Reggie Thompson The Paw Print Adams State’s men and women’s 2011 soccer teams took the field in a game setting for the first time this season Friday evening in the annual Green and White Scrimmage or “Black and White” scrim-mage as is it turned out to be. These scrimmages were intended to evaluate both the […]

Women’s Volleyball Sweeps Alumni In 4th Annual Scrimmage

Reggie Thompson The Paw Print Saturday night marked the night of the fourth Annual Adams State Alumni Volleyball Scrimmage, in which the current Grizzlies swept the alumni in the five games played. In it’s fourth year, this match is still enjoyable for those involved. Head Coach Lindy Mortensen, who coached many of the alumni players […]

ASC Alumni Lori and Joel Korngut Return for the Birds

Submitted by Donna Wehe SLV Small Business Development Center This story is for the birds, Cranes and Crows to be specific.  Lori and Joel Korngut, Adams State College Alumni, recently became new residents and business owners in Alamosa. Lori is the owner of a new retail store in downtown Alamosa and she invites everyone in […]

Colorado Health Foundation Gets 1.8 Million Grant

Submitted by Vincent D Atchity, PhD. Create health Director Colorado AHEC The Colorado Area Health Education Center office, at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus School of Medicine, announced today that they are the recipients of a 1.8 million dollar grant from The Colorado Health Foundation to support the CREATE Health project for two […]

AS&F Constitutional Amendment

Proposed Constitutional Amendment Due to the lack of interest shown towards assuming the Vice President of Finance position on the AS&F Student Government Executive Board, the station is currently vacant. Willing individuals outside of the senate have shown an interest in taking over this critical role; however, stipulations in the constitution (specifically Article IV. Section […]

Food Shortage Concern For Millions in Somalia

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print As Millions starve human rights abuses from both sides continue in Somalia According to the United Nations more than 12 million people are on the verge of starvation in the Horn of Africa, which includes all of Somalia and the coastal region of Kenya.  To compound this drastic problem further, […]

ASC Enrollment is at an All Time Hight Three Years Running

Megan Smith The Paw Print This year’s Adams State College freshman class numbers 582, an increase of more than 4 percent over 2010, according to Eric Carpio, assistant vice president for enrollment management. Adams State’s enrollment record was broken in 2010 by 2.9 percent. The previous enrollment record was set in 1970, during the Vietnam […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
