Callie Henton The Paw Print Hate parking at ASC? I know I do. The two main factors about the parking that frustrate me the most are a lack of parking places and parking that looks like the driver might need to invest in some parking lessons.
Posts from ‘September, 2010’
A Freshman’s Perspective of Adam’s State College
Savannah Schlaufman The Paw Print Why did you decide on Adams State?” This was the first question an RA asked me on August 19, my first day on campus. At the time I didn’t have an answer. With all the thoughts, concerns, and questions of my own buzzing in my head, I couldn’t even comprehend […]
Problems With AS&F Senate’s First Meeting
Micah Anderson The Paw Print Before I jump right in, let it be known that I take full responsibility for this article and that I have no affiliation with the AS&F Senate, other than the fact that they use my student fees – and yours – so they may function. My words are mine alone […]