15-16 Senators

The following is the list of our current Senators for the 15-16 academic year. If you are looking to get involved or have your voice be heard in AS&F, these are some great people to talk to! And as always, if you want to become a Senator yourself, it is not too late. Drop by the AS&F office or send us an email at asf@grizzlies.adams.edu and we will get you started on that process.

Non-Traditional Senator
Gloria Quintana – quintanags@grizzlies.adams.edu

Music Senator
Leanne Roath – roathlr@grizzlies.adams.edu

Business Senators
Joseph Hovey – hoveyjg@grizzlies.adams.edu
John Owsley – johnowsley@grizzlies.adams.edu
Alex Lopez – apez57@gmail.com
Brenna Rivale – brennarivale@gmail.com

HAPPS Senator
Sean Erice – ericesj@grizzlies.adams.edu

Sociology Senator
Nataly Acurio – acurion@grizzlies.adams.edu

First Year Senators
Sky Edmonds – edmondssd@grizzlies.adams.edu
Aaron Davis – aarond.97@gmail.com

Faculty/Staff Senator
Dr. Nick Saenz – cnsaenz@adams.edu

Grizzly Activity Board Senator
Matt Tulley – tulleyml@grizzlies.adams.edu

English, Theater, and Communications Senator
Lauren Trujillo – trujilloln1@grizzlies.adams.edu

Student Athlete Advisor Committee Senator
Morgan Fitzgibbon – fitzgibbonme@grizzlies.adams.edu

Chemistry, Computer, and Math Senator
Caroline Steen – steenc@grizzlies.adams.edu