All posts by Kayla Goldberg

2016-17 EBoard Appointed Positions

At last night’s Senate meeting, Senate approved the appointments for VP of Finance, Secretary, and Chief Justice.

VP of Finance – Alex Lopez
Secretary – Brenna Rivale
Chief Justice – Aaron Davis

Congrats to all of those who will be serving on the executive board next year and thanks to all involved in AS&F for a great year!

2016-17 Election Results

The results are in from the 2016-2017 AS&F Elections that were held this week.  A total of 411 votes were received and the results are as follows:

President:  Patrick Cleary
Vice President of Internal Affairs:  Brittany Wilson
Vice President of External Affairs:  John Owsley
HAPPSS Senator:  Sean Erice

We will announce the appointments for VP of Finance, Executive Secretary, and Chief Justice when they are determined.

Thank you!

AS&F Candidate Forum

Today – Wednesday, April 6th @ noon in the Student Life Center in the SUB!

Join us to have a constructive discussion and ask questions to the candidates. This is a safe environment and no obscenity or disrespectful behavior will be allowed.

All students, staff, and faculty are welcomed!

For questions or info, email or

VP of Finance, Chief Justice, Executive Secretary Position Appointments

If you are interested in serving as AS&F VP of Finance, Chief Justice, or Executive Secretary for the upcoming academic year, please make sure you fill out the Executive Election Packet (found here). Packets (along with signatures and a brief platform) will be due to the AS&F office by 5PM on Monday, April 11. These are appointed positions. Appointments will be made shortly after April 11. Please email us or drop by the AS&F office if you have any questions.

VPAA Student Forums

All students are invited to the Vice President of Academic Affairs Student Forums. Meet the candidates for the VPAA position and participate in Q&A. Forums will be held on April 4, April 6, and April 13 at 5PM in McDaniel 101. If you have any questions, email