Journal Cancellations 2013

Every year the library reviews its current periodical subscriptions and, based on a number of factors, decides which periodicals to renew and which periodicals to cancel. The following lists the possible print journal cancellations for the year of 2013. If you have any questions or concerns about this list, please contact Nicole LeBoeuf.


Academy Of Management Review
Aviation Week & Space Technology
Broadcasting & Cable
Education & Treatment Of Children
Frontiers : A Journal Of Women Studies
International Affairs
Journal Of Experimental Psychology : General
Journal Of Higher Education
Journal Of Small Business Management
Law & Society Review
Policy & Practice
Psychological Bulletin

Films on Demand

For the month of June, Adams State is trialing the database Films on Demand.  Films on Demand is a multimedia platform that streams thousands of education videos and documentaries straight to your computer or tablet.  Videos include Ken Burn’s Baseball, PBS’s King Lear, and TED’s 5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids Do.  On-campus users can link to the database from the Articles webpage; off-campus users should go first to the passwords page and then login using the username and password provided.

Commencement Speeches Online

Graduation time is a time of celebration; it is also a time of anxiety, stress, and figuring out how to fit your couch into your Mini Cooper.  If you’re looking for some sage words of advice the website has gathered a collection of commencement speeches from celebrities such as J.K. Rowling, Toni Morrison, and Theodor Seuss Geisel.  There are also many transcripts freely available on .edu websites, such as this Jon Stewart speech from The College of William & Mary.  Want news on current speakers?  Both Google News and LexisNexis provide search platforms for up-to-date announcements on who is speaking where.  Just use “commencement speech” as your keyword and rank by date.

The Journal of Chemical Education – Now Online!

The library has just purchased online access to The Journal of Chemical Education, an important monthly publication published by the American Chemical Society.  This peer-reviewed resource covers both secondary and university education, and includes articles such as “ChemPoker”, “JCE Classroom Activity #111: Redox Reactions in Three Representations”, and “Beer as a Teaching Aid in the Classroom and Laboratory”.  Many of these articles are sponsored and can be accessed for free from your computers at home, however, anything that is not sponsored must be used on-campus for complete full-text access.  Enjoy searching the full archive from 1924-current!

Oxford Art Online Trial

Oxford Art Online is one of the most highly regarded art reference databases in academia.  It allows the user to search a number of art-specific dictionaries and encyclopedias including The Oxford Companion to Western Art, The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics and The Benezit Dictionary of Artists, among other important art reference works.  It also has an image search that allows users to search by keyword and access a variety of high quality images from famous painters.  This database will be offered until the end of May.  For on-campus access click here; for off-campus access, visit the Adam’s State password page for access information.  If you have any comments or concerns about this resource, please let us know here.