Voting is your opportunity to have a say in the leaders and the laws that govern us. Here’s some information on how to vote in November’s midterm elections.
Registering to Vote
Registering to vote is the all-important first step in participating in the voting process.
In order to register to vote in Colorado, people must be:
- United States citizens
- Residents of Colorado* for at least the 22 days leading up to election day (Tuesday, November 4, 2014)
- Non-Colorado residents can consult their home state for voter registration information. You might consult your home state’s information if you’re attending ASU, but you still consider your family’s address in another state to be your permanent address.
- At least 18 years of age on election day
- Not serving a sentence of confinement, detention or parole for a felony conviction
*If you aren’t already a Colorado resident, review the residency requirements and prerequisites for any financial aid or scholarships you may have before you consider registering to vote in Colorado.
How to register to vote:
- At the Nielsen Library Reference Desk
- At the Alamosa County Clerk and Recorder’s office, 8999 Independence Way in Alamosa
- If you have a current Colorado driver’s license or ID card, online here!
Colorado voters can vote either by mail-in ballot or in person.
To receive a mail-in ballot by mail, you need to register to vote by Monday, October 27.
Completed mail-in ballots must be received (not postmarked) by the Alamosa County Clerk and Recorder by 7pm on election day, Tuesday, November 4. You might want to try and get your mail-in ballot in the mail by the week before the election. If you think you might be too late, you can drop it off:
Mail-in ballots can be dropped off by election day in the provided envelope at:
- The Alamosa County Clerk and Recorder’s office: 8999 Independence Way
- In a drop box at the old Clerk and Recorder’s office: 402 Edison Avenue
If you plan to vote in person, you can register to vote any time up until election day.
If you vote in person, you’ll need an acceptable form of identification.
The polling place (where in-person voting happens) for Alamosa County is the Alamosa County Clerk and Recorder’s office. NOTE: the Clerk and Recorder’s office has moved and this information is not reflected on the website. The new location is at 8999 Independence Way.
Not sure how you’ll get down there?
Adams State University’s Campus Elections Engagement Project will provide transportation to and from the polling place from 10am to 7pm on election day. Shuttles will depart from and arrive to the cul-de-sac in front of the Student Union Building (SUB). (The U-shaped driveway right by the big Grizzly statue.)
If you’re still unsure about anything related to registering to vote or voting, check with:
- The Colorado Secretary of State’s Voters page
- The Alamosa County Clerk and Recorder’s website (KEEP IN MIND: The address information on this website is no longer accurate. The Clerk and Recorder’s office is now located at 8999 Independence Way.)
- You can give them a call, too: 719-589-6681
- The staff at the Nielsen Library