
The Paw Print’s Dirty Little Secret Column

Dr. Goodlove and Professor Toughlove are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear Students:  We are Dr.’s Goodlove and Toughlove. We write a weekly advice column called The Dirty Little Column. This is your opportunity to send us questions about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.  OK, […]

Autumn At Adams Preview Fall 2010: What’s Going on This Fall!

Savannah Schlaufman The Paw Print It is evident all around campus that fall is fast approaching.  However, there is a silver lining to the summer months coming to a close.  This September marks the seventh year that Adams State has held its annual fall celebration, Autumn@Adams.

Thornton Wilder’s Our Town Hits ASC

Samantha Saville The Paw Print The play Our Town directed by Dr. Paul S. Newman opened on Friday, April 30 and will run until May 8. The play, which was written by the Pulitzer Prize winner Thornton Wilder, included many stars such as Jacob Sorling, Kaitlyn Perham, and Bothe Kretsinger.

Letter from DLC: Summer Holiday

Since the summer holiday is coming up, Drs Goodlove and Toughlove thought now might be a good time to pass along a few words of wisdom and advice about a variety of summer…activities.  Some of these include: summer hair removal and grooming protocol, outdoor shenanigans, getting a summer fling, getting RID of a summer fling, […]

“Plastic Beach” Falls Short of Expectations

“Plastic Beach” Falls Short of Expectations

Toni Ortivez The Paw Print As the school semester winds down, there will be songs that remind us of the past year and fun times with friends. Summer becomes a time to create new memories and to discover new music. Concerts will inevitably be attended, and radios blared around friends. However, what songs will be […]

Police Report: March 3- April 26

3/6/2010                        1458hrs                        Welfare Check            Coronado Hall                        Report 3/8/2010                                                Moving Violation            Murphy Street                        Report 3/10/2010            1925hrs                        Poss. Illegal Weapon            Coronado Hall                                Arrest/Open

Artists Escape the Valley for Santé Fe

Toni Ortivez The Paw Print Last Wednesday students, mostly art majors, set off for a day in Santé Fe. Although the trip was sponsored by the student art league and was chaperoned by professors form the art department, it was open to anyone looking for an art experience.  The basis of the trip, other than […]

Dirty Little Column: April 29

Dear DLC: Please help me figure out what to do about my girlfriend. I like her   and all, but good Lord–first, she’s always asking me if I love her. I believe in honesty, so I always tell her no, I just think she’s super-hot and that I love to have sex with her, and […]

The Heart of La Puente

 Chas Culp Getting involved in your community is a great thing to do, not just because it looks good on your resume, or because you have those several hours of community service you’ve been putting off for that one class this semester, but simply because it will change you.

Dirtty Little Column: April 22

  Dear DLC: There’s a really hot girl who works the counter at the bookstore.  I think she flirts with me, but I’m not sure. I mean, she’s nice to everyone.  I want to ask her out but I’m not good at rejection. What should I do?

30 Seconds to Mars’ Return to the Music Scene

Toni Ortivez The Paw Print There have been many big name bands releasing their follow-up albums these past few months. Many of them have had great success with their previous albums and, in an attempt to keep riding the gravy train, have recorded more songs for their fans to fawn over. However, it is a […]

Dirty Little Column April 15

Dear DLC:  I just found out that my ex-boyfriend has been going around telling everyone that I have an STD so that no one will go out with me anymore.  What an A-hole!  What do I do?  DTL: Let me just say that I absolutely agree, what an A-hole!  Hopefully you have some really good […]

Movie Review: Clash of the Titans

Armando Montano The Paw Print This month’s release of this new remake of the 1981 fantasy film Clash of the Titans is a major improvement to the movie genre based on Greek mythology. Where claymation originally achieved the rough basis of mythological terror of massive and improbable beasts, this year’s “Titans” masters the digital imaging […]

Top Five Albums You Haven’t Heard Of

Kelby Sinka The Paw Print               Since the first person put together the first mix, people all over the world have continually done the same. We’ve come a long way from the art of the mix-tape that I grew up with. Now we have CDs, mp3 players, and software for our phones which hold […]

Second Annual Art Show

Anna Sturgis The Paw Print “Before they were teachers, they were artists.” This exhibit, like so many art shows, is filled with the works of many remarkably talented artists. This art work invites the viewer to leave behind their familiar and boring world and step into a world filled with new perspective, unspoken ideas, and […]

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