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Invitation to the Fall 2017 PASC General Membership and Exemplary Recognition Meeting

On behalf of the Professional Administrative Staff Council, I’d like to cordially invite you to attend our Fall 2017 General Membership meeting. A Google Calendar invitation will be going out soon, but we wanted to share the agenda and details through email in hopes that you can join us.

The meeting is on Monday, October 23rd beginning at 10:30 AM in the Richardson Hall Auditorium. Here is a general overview of the agenda:

  • Welcome and introduction of current Council members
  • Brief updates on PASC committees
  • Updates on the campus Contingency Plan and Department of Education Program Review- Dr. Matt Nehring
  • Open Enrollment information and HR information- Tracy Rogers
  • Facilities/Road closures updates- Kurt Cary
  • HLC Updates- Margaret Doell
  • Recognition of the 2016-2017 Exemplary Exempt Staff Awardees

We hope you can attend, and look forward to seeing you!

Kevin Daniel, Chair, on behalf of the PASC

Visit our blog at https://blogs.adams.edu/pasc

PASC Meeting with President McClure & AVP Roybal

Good afternoon PASC members,

On Wednesday March 15th at 11:00 AM in MCD 101, please join us for a meeting with President McClure and Walter Roybal, Assistant VP for Extended Studies for an update on Extended Studies, progress made to date in meeting HLC requirements, and a vision for the future. This is intended for professional administrative staff. There will also be Open Forums for all campus constituents on Tuesday March 7th at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM in MCD 101. We encourage you to attend these meetings if you are able to.
PASC Council

Reminder- General Membership meeting today at 2:00 in MCD 101

This will be our first Professional Administrative Staff Council (PASC) General Membership meeting of the spring semester. All exempt staff are encouraged to attend if possible. We will be updating you on the Workplace Satisfaction Survey sent out last semester and offering opportunities for you all to get involved in some initiatives that have come about from that survey.

In addition, please look for another General Membership meeting to be scheduled in the coming weeks, where President McClure will be providing some campus updates.

Invitation to Fall PASC General Meeting with the President, Tuesday October 18th at 8:30 AM

All professional administrative (exempt) staff are invited and encouraged to attend this special general membership meeting which will be focused on a presentation and discussion with President McClure regarding our current financial status and plans for the future. We will be meeting in the Richardson Hall Auditorium on Tuesday, October 18th at 8:30 AM.

We hope to see you there!

Kevin Daniel, Chair, on behalf of the Professional Administrative Staff Council

PASC General Membership meeting with the President

On behalf of the Professional Administrative Staff Council, you are invited to a meeting with President McClure this Thursday, March 17th at 1:30 PM in McDaniel Hall 101. President McClure will be giving a “State of the University” address. Although this address is aimed at exempt professional staff, all employees are welcome. We hope to see you there.

Kevin Daniel, Chair, on behalf of PASC

Invitation to PASC General Membership Fall Semester Meeting next Thursday, November 19th

Good afternoon,

On behalf of the Professional Administrative Staff Council (PASC), I want to invite you to our fall semester general membership meeting next Thursday, November 19th at 4:00 PM in SUB 309. We have quite a lot of information to share with you and some items we want your input on as we make plans to move forward. In particular, there is a new exempt staff evaluation form and procedure that the Council has reviewed, and we would like your feedback. Below is a tentative agenda for you to review, and a final agenda will be provided in the Google Calendar invitation that you will be receiving shortly.

  • Report on PASC Fulfilling Workplace survey results
  • Priorities for the PASC- (Discussion)
  • New exempt staff evaluation process. Please review prior to the meeting here: https://goo.gl/D5LpDG
  • Other topics, still in the works…

We hope to see you there!

Kevin Daniel, Chair, on behalf of the PASC

Reminder- Please participate in the PASC Fulfilling Workplace Survey

The Professional Administrative Staff Council (PASC) would like to remind all exempt staff to please participate in the Fulfilling Workplace Survey. We will be closing the survey this Wednesday, 10/14/15 at 5:00 PM. The survey is anonymous, and will be used to help the council identify and prioritize initiatives to work on for the rest of this academic year. Here is a link to the survey:


Here are the articles that the PASC used as a basis for the survey:

Schwartz, T. & Porath, C. (2014).  “Why You Hate Work”.  The New York Times.  http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/01/opinion/sunday/why-you-hate-work.html

Walsh, S. (2013).  “Five Questions You Must Ask Your Team”.  Gallup Business Journal.

The next PASC planning meeting will be this Wednesday, October 14th at 1:30 in MCD 387. We will be scheduling the fall General Membership meeting soon, and will publicize the date, time and location once it has been selected.

For more information, and to keep up with what the Council is doing, please visit our blog at http://blogs.adams.edu/pasc

Thanks for reading,

Kevin Daniel, Chair, on behalf of the PASC

PASC Council Planning Meetings Schedule for upcoming Academic Year

On behalf of the Professional Administrative Staff Council, welcome back to another semester at ASU!

The Council met on August 5th (see Meeting Minutes section for details) and set the dates for the Council planning meetings for the upcoming year.  Below are the dates of the meetings. All meetings will be held in McDaniel Hall Room 387 starting at 1:30 PM:

  • September 2nd, 2015
  • October 14th, 2015
  • November 11th, 2015
  • December 9th, 2015
  • January 6th, 2016
  • February 3rd, 2016
  • March 2nd, 2016
  • April 13th, 2016
  • May 11th, 2016
  • June 8th, 2016

Our council meetings are open to all PASC members, and we will continue to post meeting minutes on our blog. In addition, the Council will hold at least one General Membership PASC meeting each semester, and will notify all PASC members of the time, location and agenda beforehand.

We look forward to another great year, and are excited to engage with our membership to effectively collaborate and represent Professional Administrative Staff at ASU!

Kevin Daniel, Chair, on behalf of the Professional Administrative Staff Council

Exempt Staff Constitution Vote and General Meeting this Friday at 2:00 PM

Greetings from the Professional Administrative Staff Council (PASC). It is time for our next general meeting, and we have quite a bit of business we would like to cover as the semester is coming to a close.

*** Electronic Vote on the updated PASC Constitution and Bylaws ***

Many of you have provided great feedback and the council has prepared a final draft that is ready for the general membership to review and ratify. Below is the link to the updated constitution and by-laws, as well as a link to electronically vote on whether or not you approve of the updated constitution.

Link to final draft of constitution and by-laws:


Link to electronic vote:


You will need to login to Google with your Adams State University username and password to view the survey. This is required so that we can verify your identity as an exempt professional at ASU.

*** General Meeting 2:00 PM this Friday, May 8th, 2015 ***

Our next general meeting for all exempt staff will be this Friday, May 8th in the Student Union Building room 309. Topics for this meeting will include:

-Presidential Search Report back to membership

-Compensation Committee update

-Constitution and By-Laws-

-Other topics- TBD

After the general meeting, at around 3:00 PM we will adjourn the PASC meeting and move into the presentation from the Campus Advocacy Group (CAG). The CAG would like to have a discussion and get feedback on a draft shared governance communication flow chart. CAG has indicated that this is a draft that may update and change based on feedback, and that the chart is meant to be a conversation starter for discussions surrounding quality and effectiveness of shared governance on campus.

Link to the draft chart:


Thanks for reading, we hope to see you there!

Kevin Daniel, Chair, on behalf of the PASC

ASU Presidential Candidate Forums – Invitation to ALL Exempt Professional Staff

As you are well aware, the candidate pool for the next ASU President has reached the final three candidates. PASC has worked with the search committee and the President’s Office to have a dedicated 90 minute session with each candidate for all exempt professional staff. We would love to have as many of our fellow exempt professional staff attend these forums as possible. The PASC has a list of questions that we’ve gathered from everyone and will facilitate the discussion with each of the candidates. Please make every attempt to attend if you are able to, as it is extremely important that we are involved in this critical process for ASU.  The sessions start this Thursday, below are the meeting dates, times and locations:

-Thursday, March 5th – Richard Duran – 1:30-3:00 PM in McDaniel Hall Room 101

-Wednesday, March 11th – Ricardo Maestas – 1:30-3:00 PM in Student Union Building Room 309

-Thursday, March 19th – Beverlee McClure – 1:30-3:00 PM in McDaniel Hall Room 101

Again, we hope to see you there! For further details including details on each of the candidates, please visit the Presidential Search Timeline page at http://www.adams.edu/president/search/timeline.php

Thank you,

Kevin Daniel, on behalf of PASC
