Invitation to PASC General Membership Fall Semester Meeting next Thursday, November 19th

Good afternoon,

On behalf of the Professional Administrative Staff Council (PASC), I want to invite you to our fall semester general membership meeting next Thursday, November 19th at 4:00 PM in SUB 309. We have quite a lot of information to share with you and some items we want your input on as we make plans to move forward. In particular, there is a new exempt staff evaluation form and procedure that the Council has reviewed, and we would like your feedback. Below is a tentative agenda for you to review, and a final agenda will be provided in the Google Calendar invitation that you will be receiving shortly.

  • Report on PASC Fulfilling Workplace survey results
  • Priorities for the PASC- (Discussion)
  • New exempt staff evaluation process. Please review prior to the meeting here:
  • Other topics, still in the works…

We hope to see you there!

Kevin Daniel, Chair, on behalf of the PASC


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