Entries from January 2022 ↓

Representation for working group needed

An Ad Hoc working group is being formed to guide the development of a new justification memo and outline which will be used for next year’s budget development process. The outcome of the group will be a new process for requesting a position for both newly created positions and to refill/replace a position that may have previously existed. Dr. Lovell is requesting two faculty members, one PASC member and one CEC member to be part of this group which will be chaired by Dr. Kent Buchanan and Heather Heersink. If you have experience in hiring staff members and are interested in sitting on this committee, please email Renae Haslett.

Update:  Several people have contacted Renae to volunteer for this committee, so we are no longer seeking representation for this project.  Thank you to everyone who offered to help out!

Refreshing the PASC Blog & communication

In order to better facilitate communication between the PASC elected council and our constituents, we are making efforts to update and maintain the PASC Blog and to provide monthly emails via the ASU Professional Administrative Staff Council Google group. With that in mind, please note that the Minutes and the Council Membership pages of this blog are as up-to-date as possible.