Assignments Pages

Everyone will have a page published under this one that should house their assignments. Please click on your tab and edit your page to add executive reports. Reports should be titled as follows: Miltenbergerex1; Miltenbergerex2; Miltenbergerex3; Miltenbergerex4.  Remember that posts are due before class on the Monday of the new unit. As such the first Exec. Report is due by Monday September 5th.   Please take time to ensure that your posts are grammatically correct, but feel free to use bullets, lists, and inject images that enhance our understanding of your work.


Executive Reports (10 points each)

For each unit of instruction, each student is required to turn in an executive report to reflect both a culmination of goals, events, actions, and strategies for that time period as well as an element of reflection in regard to working with groups and personal development through project management.
Each report is to be 2-3 pages in length typed, and should include the following information.

  • Committee goals set for this time period and a discussion of progress toward these goals
  • Personal goals set for this time period and a discussion of progress toward these goals
  • Action items completed
  • Meeting summaries with committee, advisor, or outside organizations including a personal reflection of the meeting with any questions or follow-up needed
  • Please provide a self-assessment on your facilitation of the meeting (if you facilitated), anything you would change about your facilitation or the process of the meeting, conflict that arose and how you handled it, and anything you would like to change for your next meeting.
  • Goals for the next two weeks and actions you plan to take toward achieving your goals
  • Examples of how you have fulfilled your role as a leader within the committee/organization
  • Challenges you are having/assistance you need

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