Judith Martinez
Executive Report #4
Organizing an event is not easy at all. No matter how organized you are or how specific you are, you always going to have few situations. To prepare an event you need help and that’s when the team event start building. They have different opinions, points of view, etc. you have to deal with a lot if you want the event to succeed at the end. I say it’s hard because if you organize this event by yourself it’s going to be hard to have everything done right by yourself. If you work in team there’s always going to be trouble or some differences.
The Mexican celebration of Día de los Muertos event was a successful event that El Parnaso Spanish club members organize. One of the objectives was: To ask the students what is “community” and how they can promote a community celebration, based on Dia de los Muertos. This can serve as a civic exercise combined with an approach to topics of marketing, advertising, and how these are used in community celebrations.
For this event, students I use a lot of my strategies that I learn in my leadership class like for example give a role-play to the students, a task based celebrations. In groups (each of approximate 1 student and 1 adult), as students we had to create an advertising poster promoting a Dia de los Muertos celebration, using art materials, computer printouts, and others. This is a very good method to use to let the students and people know that we have an event going on. How did I learn this? Well I knew some of this stuffs but not as much as I know now, when I start learning in one of the chapters from my leadership class. The students will also role play as civic leaders and choose which proposal to use for a Dia delos Muertos community celebration.
This plan calls for students to research several aspects of community organizing and event planning.
Teaching the members of the club how to organize The Dia de los Muertos better than last year was frustrated but at the same time was learnable to know more about each of the members of the club. As president of the club you have to give more than what they expect from you, and that’s exactly what I feel I did J.
The goals for this event where: first developed an overall understanding of the Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos, including the history, origins, and significance of this celebration to people. Second, recognize common traditions and activities associated with Día de los Muertos. What did students learn from this? In class Aaron ask us what are you going to learn from what students, people, etc its going to learn from this event or activity? And I decide to include this question in the event. First, students learn about cultural diversity and multiculturalism in a positive way. Second, they develop an open mind and respectful attitude towards diverse ethnic groups. Third, they where able to distinguish, compare and contrast between Día de los Muertos and Halloween.
Organizing an event for students and community in a place out of the campus, its not easy at all and I say it by experience, but what I’m pretty sure is that teaching the others what you learn and know already works a lot to end it up with an amazing event.
Express yourself is an event to discover the interest and needs of the students through creative design and expression. we are doing this event because we want to know more about the student life and heard they voices. We also doing this because it’s before finals and we the students to take out what it’s bordering them and do well in they finals with out any worries. We are going to have wall and sculptures for students can draw paint. We are also going to invite clubs to be part of this event. This is what are we doing during the vent. We are going to take surveys, engaging students to express their ideas, themselves, and they inside voiceless.
This event it’s going to be different from the event of el dia de los muertos because first in is campus and learning more about the students. This event doesn’t include community this event include student life. Its also non a tradition event from every year which it will be awesome if we continue doing express yourself a week before finals. its less stressful because is only two people organizing this event and sharing same ideas with the help of our teacher Aaron.
Other of the things abut this event is that we are applying all this strategies that we been learning during the class and the most awesome that’s we can apply our skill that we earn in the class. J I’m exited about this event and I kind have an idea about how this is going to look we already talk to people we need to talk, we are having a lot done and we just need some materials and others things to be done and get in the event.
I can’t wait to start this event I’m very exited and the best part too it’s that we are going to know more about the students and learn from it too. This never happens in my freshman year or no one ask me about why I was here, how I fee, etc. now we have the chance to do all this and let the students that other students care about them and they ideas. I also having this big opportunity to work this event with my best friend Scott and getting advise from awesome people like Aaron and Oneyda Maestas. So keep calm and express yourself.
Judith Martinez
Funding Proposal
We are doing a funding proposal for our individual event “Express Yourself Day”, which is within the week long event the class is putting together. The reason why we wanted to do an ‘Express Yourself Day’ is because students need an outlet in which they can express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas in a positive light. This is an important aspect for our “I am a Grizzly” week because a major problem here at Adams State University is low self efficacy among students. We are going to try and address this by giving students who want to speak their opinions on things the opportunity to say what they want. NO FILTER.
So we are budgeting a $100 for this event $75 of it is going towards activities and $25 will be going toward food. Promotion and advertising will be at no cost. We are planning on making and putting up posters in high traffic areas on campus, as well as social media. The budget for activities is allocated into boxes, paint, tape, markers, paper, and any other petty cost contributing to that. The budget for food will actually be for the candy that we plan on giving students after they take the time to do a survey for us. We are planning on co-sponsoring this event with the Art League to help us get the ball rolling with the artistic side of things.
The idea for this is to gain the insight from students on what needs must be met, what they are interested in seeing more on campus, and what clubs or activities can they be involved in.
Critique Event
Drumming for Peace
This week I attend to an event that was name Drumming for Peace event. Few clubs and organizations where involve on, for example Tu Casa, pals, El Parnaso (us), TSJC, and many more. The elements I most see in the event where; peace because the event was about peace, togetherness because the propose was to also made friendships get close with others and make connections, education learning about peace about the event and the culture, fun, a lot of activities and also coexist with others, performance drums, song about peace and very dedicative, community building from other places and school too getting together and open to all.
The time was from 6-9 which I think it wisent that good because the weather was very bad and also very cold for older people and kids. Stations were cool but not that organize or attractive for the kids which made me sad and disappointed. Sponsors were there and mentioned and recognized which I think talks good about the event. As volunteers from El Parnaso we enjoy working with kids and others but I didn’t like the organization that they did because I think it was disorganized and I understand they where busy so we had to figured out by ourselves. I like the way they did prizes, like cake in the game of musical numbers station, popcorn for everyone who was participating in the event, the performers where awesome but I didn’t like the way they face it to north side because people who was walking to the other side didn’t know what was going on, the kids where everywhere and no body where taking care of them. I kind did because I was sad that this event was for them and they didn’t put attention to the so when I start playing with then they where all exited, I start with three and at the end I was having like 7 of then lol that was amazing. By the way we won the game 🙂 .
The event was host outside in the green campus, the set up was okay except for the performance, the organization was kind of unorganized, and the weather was kind of terrible in the beginning because it was cold. The time wasn’t the right time because no one was going to stay till nine and also kids leave early. At the beginning I was feeling disconnected till my friends and members of the club show up, I was feeling it was divided attention and everyone was in they own. They didn’t put a lot attention to the kids hey where talking to other people and kids where everywhere by the way it wasn’t that much kids.
The emotion of the event was kind of boring at the beginning, but exited for the surprises and having fun playing with the kids that my energy was very enthusiasm when I start playing with kids and getting together with friends and others kids where all over and I was worry about if something happened to them, exited for start the event and also exited to end the event, happy to see this event and participated and happy when I learn from it. So all I have to say is that if they need my help next year to organize I will be more than welcome to help. 🙂
Judith Martinez
Exclusive Report #3
October of homecoming week , 2013
El Parnaso Spanish Club Meetings
Over 7 was the number of events to which attended last week of homecoming , of which almost more than half of the members were present, and I your servant presindenta representative of AS & F , and friend, had to To lead over the half of each meeting and approve several changes to what we had this on the agenda these days . To my right the whole time supporting me and reviewing everything more calmly Angelica club secretary Raya. Other prominent members of the board were Juliana demaciadas Chaparro with very good ideas and travajo at all . Ronnie Medina who estava candidacy Petsche Brittany King and who also estava as candidate to reyna . The charge of the last details of carrying out the plan of the club that gave Homecoming faith than there is chatted was the teacher and counselor Eva Stripes . Others present at the table , club members who also hisiern an excellent travajo to the last minutes were the vice president Fernando Gonzales , Vicy Rayade , Adrian Reyes, and more . Among the 8 members that participated have to discount more 5 because that eventhough they are not part of the club were very generous with her help to moento .
The reason for the boards of The Parnasoera financial position of the Club, and works and decorations to be presented during this seman homecoming at Adams State University . The situation requires action by imbalance in some activities because we had to see demaciados servisios the same community , classes and homework and examine even more serious . that is negative. For members that asked principals to help balance and motivate students more club members. At first mirava students so excited but after half a week throughout one began with divan frustrations but not up.
Com club president worries me your moods or what this happening with members haci -stress I can help a little more. The 1st question I asked one of the members was: When you get to the club you looked forward , wanting to do things , what made you change so that in such a short time you wanted to leave office and then to do so ? The answer was : My mind and my dream was at a time when necessary, assist in the club. At the last meeting I presented my idea was not 100% , but they accepted my idea and talk more about it so I was happy and , although within the club especially in the aspectode bienvnida and respect different ideas , people more prepared than I to take this club such as the Miss Judith who is president and may have more ideas or aprovarlas . At one point I thought I pulled a load off trying to leave office , but I got content / a when I realized that you and apoyavan contava with my decisions. It only examine and school that is stealing more than half of my energy .
After several provisions of frustration and tiredness decided to go to my notes above and see which was my goal for the seana and check if enverdad this yege approves putting it to the conclusion that there was little by little my clubestava so lively and in spite of how I dejava felt not being the clown that animava to participate and leave the small shell where estavan . When Cancajo singing event was a success I think it deserved to the hird place presented the idea was very original and creative as best part is that students who participated miebros club were a bit painful and very nervous estavan like but I learned from my end that I was who no longer wanted to be there and they so funny apoyavan me to take the nerves and move forward with the participation . The only thing I said was thank all can believe in you and you will discover many things that saps that existed in yourself . We went out to a club and esenario .
The next day a ménage by the social network facebook demaciado surprised me and I hiso continue with even more encourage the message posted was from Linda , the herman of our club member Ronnie Medina , THE FOLLOWING she said , “my bro Ronnie Medina … friends with Brittany and Judith … ! They did great for Adams State Universitylip singing contest for homecoming ! Ronnie Has Become more Involved and more confident than EVER ! Happy for you brother ! When watching this I noticed a small pat on my back and I said good travajo Judith ☺ everything is working fine leaves acargo extres and get more of a club that apparently are doing a good travajo .
I was wrong to say it because at the end of each rolled thing was worth , lack of sleep , the Jutas we had at the last minute , all the time we spent together but everything so well that I had and laughed way too travjado with homecoming events to highlight more the group as he had planiado worthwhile. ☺ the fnal got fourth place in the lip singing , first place in the medicine show , first place in the float, and to end gold briche estava nuetro companion of candidate who won be homecoming king bed. Wow I could not believe what we had accomplished in just two weeks of great esfuerso and travajo but especially divercion as I said in previous meetings we meet a man want more from each other and want to have fun when you put effort and having fun things always work out best and nothing less than plan it already on the table and get ready to take it out ☺
Mas de 7 fué el número de juntas a las que asisti la semana pasada de homecoming, de los cuales casi mas de la mitad de los miembros estaban presentes, y yo su servidora presindenta representante de AS&F, y amiga, tenia que dirijier mas de la mitad de cada junta y aprovar varios cambios en lo que teniamos presente esos dias en las agendas. A mi derecha todo el tiempo apoyandome y repasando todo con mas calma la secretaria del club Angelica Raya. Otros miembros destacados de la mesa fueron Juliana Chaparro con demaciadas ideas y muy buen travajo en todas. Ronnie Medina quien estava como candidato a rey y Brittany Petsche quien tambien estava como candidate a reyna. La encargado de los ultimos detalles de llevar a cabo el plan de Homecoming del club que dió fé de lo que alli se departió fue la profesora y consejera Eva Rayas. Otros presentes en la mesa, miembros del club quien tambien hisiern un exelente travajo a los ultimos minutos fueron el vice president Fernando Gonzales, Vicy Rayade, Adrian Reyes, y mas. Entre los 8 miembros que mas participaron hay que descontar 5 de ellos por que apesar que no son parte del club fueron muy generosos con su ayuda a todo moento.
El motivo de las juntas de El Parnasoera la situación financiera del Club, y las obras y decoraciones que se presentarian durante esta seman de homecoming en la Universidad de Adams State. La situación obliga a tomar medidas por desequilibrio en algunas de las actividades ya que teniamos a su misma ves demaciados servisios comunitarios, clases y tarea y mas grave aun examines. que es negativo. Para eso solicitaron a los miembros principals para poder ayudar a balancear y motivar mas a los estudiantes miembros del club. Al principio mirava tan emocionado a los estudiantes pero despues de la mitad de la semana todo empeso con fustraciones pero no se divan por vencidos.
Com presidenta del club me preocupa sus estados de animo o lo que este pasando con los miembros haci puedo ayudarlos a desestresarse un poco mas. La 1ª pregunta que hice a uno de los miembros fue: Cuando llegaste al club se te veía con ilusión, con ganas de hacer bien las cosas, ¿Qué te hizo cambiar para que en tan poco tiempo quisieses dejar el cargo y luego para no hacerlo? La respuesta fue: Mi ánimo y mi ilusión era en un momento necesario, ayudar en el club. En la pasada junta presenté mi idea que no fue al 100%, pero aceptaron mi idea y hablamos mas sobre ella por lo que me sentí feliz y, aunque dentro de el club sobre todo en el aspectode bienvnida y respeto a diferentes ideas, hay gente más preparada que yo para llevar este club como lo es la senorita Judith quien es presidenta y puede tener mas ideas o aprovarlas. En un momento dado pense que me sacaba un peso de encima tratando de dejar el cargo, pero me puse content/a cuando me di cuenta de que contava con ustedes y apoyavan mis decisions. Es solo los examines y la escuela que esta robando mas de la mitad de mi energia.
Despues de varios dis de fustracion y cansancio decidi ir a mis notas anteriores y ver cual era mi meta para la seana y revisar si enverdad esta poniendola aprueba yege a la conclusion de que iba ahi poco a poco mi clubestava tan animado y apesar de como me sentia no dejava de ser el payaso que los animava a participar y salir de la pequena concha donde estavan. Al dia siguente el evento de cantar fue un exito creo que mereciamos el ercer lugar pues la idea que presentamos fue muy original y creative lo major de todo es que los estudiantes miebros del club que participaron eran un poco penosos y estavan muy nerviosos al igual que yo pero aprendieron de mi por que al final yo era quien ya no queria estar ahi y ellos tan chistosos me apoyavan para sacar los nervios y salir adelante con la participacion. Lo unico que dije fue gracias todo se puede cree en ti y vas a descubrir muchas cosas que no savias que existian en ti mismo. Hicimos una porra y salimos al esenario.
Al dia siguiente un ménage por la red social de facebook me sorprendio demaciado y me hiso continuar aun con mas animo el mensaje publicado era de la Linda, la herman de nuestro miembro del club Ronnie Medina, ella dijo lo siguente, “my bro Ronnie medina … friends with Brittany and Judith …! They did great for Adams State Universitylip singing contest for homecoming! Ronnie has become more involved and more confident than EVER! Happy for you brother! Cuando mire esto me di una pequena palmada en mi espalda y me dije buen travajo Judith J todo esta funcionando bien deja el extres y ponte mas acargo del tu club por que al parecer estas hacienda un buen travajo.
No me equivoque al decir lo pues ya que al final de cada cosa rodo valio la pena, las desveladas, las jutas que teniamos a ultimo minute, todo el tiempo que pasamos juntos pero sobre todo lo tan bien que no lo pasamos y reimos demaciado travjado con los eventos de homecoming para destacar mas al grupo como lo habia planiado valieron la pena. J al fnal conseguimos cuarto lugar en el lip singing, primero lugar en el medicine show, primer lugar en el float, y para terminar con briche de oro nuetro companero quien estava de candidato a rey gano ser homecoming king. Wow no podia creer todo lo que habiamos logrado en solo dos semanas de gran esfuerso y travajo pero sobre todo de divercion como dije en las juntas anteriores quiero que nos conoscamos mas los unos a los otros y quiero que se diviertan cuando pones empeno y te diviertes las cosas siempre salen major y nada menos que el plan estava ya en la mesa y listo para llevarlo acabo. 🙂
facebook post 🙂
Great job my awesome friends and members of the club we did a MAGNIFICO work for homecoming week thank for all the help… Thank secretary Angelica Raya for all the great job that you finish. Thanks Vice President Fernando Gonzalez for supporting us and helping us with the last minute little thins. Thanks royalty for all smiles and great moments that you guys did to stand out a lot Brittany Petsche, Ronnie Medina. Thanks Members of el Parnaso Linda Mondragon,Cody Duran,Adrian Reyes Vicky, marisol, ana Laura, rubi, and Scott B. Kuni for all te hard work during this homecoming event but I also want to thanks a lot JUliana Chaparro who really helps a lot with ideas and hard work thank you very much and of course our advisor Profesora Eva Rayas for everything. Thank you guys for everything this really means a lot to me.
Attentamente your president representative from AS&F, and friend Judith Martinez
Estas fotos fueron tomadas durante las semana de homecomming week! gracias a todos los miembros hicieron un exelente travajo los quiero mucho… atentamente la presidenta del club El Parnaso, Judith Martinez.
Vision Statement
El Parnaso’s purpose is to encourage students to learn more about the Hispanic culture and to make them aware of the Hispanic issues on and off campus.
Judith Martinez
Exclusive Report #2
september 27, 2013
El Parnaso Spanish Club Meeting
In everyday life we find that organizations do not know why certain activities. Do not know where their work is or where it comes from the need to do so. Even ignoring the time and purpose, as well as ignoring the processes and resources that counted. when you do not know what direction and objectives to be achieved , it is difficult to raise the right activities .
Every Thursday my companion and Fernando Gonzales vise precedent club and I met for the agenda of the club organizer the Parnaso . To give direction to the organization and direct efforts toward a specific purpose and get results, create the vision, mission and objectives for the meeting.
What we want to get with this is that students and club members are learning the culture and we need them. We draw your attention and find interesting activities planned for them and the club.
Our values as students and club members are always set a good example and participate in most events and giving them the trust other students to participate. The day yesterday was our board and talked about the homecoming events. To that we engage students developed skills in different sections either as artists, writers, creative or more. As will produce results? For this we assign different task each member of the club and of course with our help and time with the ones who have more time as members of the club and have more responsibility.
Our goal for the club is have fun during the week of activities at the University. We want participants to not feel a lot of pressure and development their abilities. We also want to learn to take responsibility and be organized not only for these activities but to give you an idea of how life in general staff which help them in the future and in their careers. And sure why not some few Spanish classes and learn the Spanish language is not bad in their learning as include some other words in Spanish. ☺
Personally to me I always like to know better and understand all of the people you or who I’m involve or working with on projects and more. The day yesterday in the meeting notice many personalities of the members the club and apparently all have an excellent and positive attitude to bring in the upcoming events at the University. With the help of my right hand and companion and friend Fernando this goal will come out very well because for this the two vestments that on dating goals for the club and personal goals. For that we have the most important ingredient of all, who is to afford and believe in ourselves so that the finish has a great success, and we are also positive and of course getting advice we can improve, change, or we’re doing a good job.
Our goals for next week are complete each item on the agenda, which was released last week. Participate as much as help in what we can with he club members and their tasks. But most importantly have fun helping us one to the other and develop our skills by learning different things every day.
As we face the change? To this clear not only have the most responsibility Fernando and I as members of the club, also Professor Eva Rayas help us advising us how we can improve each joint every event and we flange your help for the club to be successful at the end of each meeting and event. She talks about the ” how” and “why” of events and meetings for us to apply and teach the club members. The vice-president and friend Fernando and I listened carefully and we get to agree with Professor on boards and upcoming events on the agenda.
It is important to note that, before establishing a VISION, is necessary to define a clear MISSION. I think this whole planning learner’s and we are putting the club will be very important in the future for students, will be more organized but you see the same activities and extras Habra reunions for members and students development and realize more and more skills between themselves like we do every day with effort and commitment. If the group is not united, organized, and with a positive attitude, the club will be club and people would not be interested in learning about who we are as members of El Parnaso.
The man in the photo is the vice-president of Parnassus and companion not only classes but also member of the club. He is one of the few people I trust to bring a project or event that never fails me and does a great job. No one supports me as a student if not also as a friend because I have knowing him since my first year at the University and that I have the to everything. We are proud as a student and a great person and friend who I admire a lot.
En la vida cotidiana nos encontramos con organizaciones que ignoran el porqué realizan ciertas actividades. No saben hacia dónde va el trabajo que realizan, ni de dónde proviene la necesidad de hacerlo. Incluso, ignoran el tiempo y el propósito, además de desconocer los procesos y recursos con los que se cuenta. cuando no se conoce cuál es el rumbo y los objetivos que se pretenden lograr,es difícil que se planteen las actividades correctas.
Cada jueves mi companero y viseprecidente del club Fernando Gonzales y yo nos reunimos para organizer la agenda del club el parnaso. Para dar rumbo a la organización y dirigir los esfuerzos en pos de un fin determinado y obtener resultados, se crean la visión, la misión y los objetivos durante la junta.
Lo que tqueremos conseguir con esto es que los estudiantes y miebros del club esten aprendiendo de la cultura y nosotros de ellos. Queremos llamar sus atenciones y que encuentren interesantes las actividades que planeamos para ellos y el club.
Nuestros valores como estudiantes y miebros del club son siempre dar el buen ejemplo y participar en la ayoria de los eventos y dandoles la confiansa a los otros estudiantes de participar.
El dia de ayer fue nuestra junta y hablamosa sobre el evento de homecoming. Para eyo queremos que los estudiantes participen conosotros y desarrrolen sus habilidades ya sea en diferentes seciones como artistas, escritores, creativos o mas. Como produciremos resultados? Para esto les asignamos diferentes travajo a cada miembro del club y porsupuesto con nuestra ayuda os cuales ya tenemos vastante tiempo en el club y tenemos mas responsabilidad.
Nuestra meta para el club es divertirno durante la semana de actividades de la Universidad. Queremos que los participantes no sientan demaciada precion y que desarroyen sus abilidades. Tambien queremos que aprendan a tener responsabilidades y sean organizados no solo por estas actividades si no para que tengan una idea de como es la vida personal en general la cual les ayudara en el future y en sus carreras. Y claro por que no algunas cuantas clases de espanol y aprender el lenguaje espanol no esta mal en sus curiculos ya que incluiremos algunas que otras palabras en espanol par alas actividades de español.
En lo personal a mi siempre me gusta saver y entender todo hacercas de las personas con las que travajo o enstoy enbuelta en projectos y mas. El dia de ayer en la reunion observe muchas persnalidades de los miebros del club y al parecer todos tienes una exelente y positive actitud para llevar acavo los proximos eventos de la Universidad. Con la ayuda de mi mano derecha y companero y amigo Fernando esta meta saldra muy bien ya que para esto los dos temos que sobre salir con las metas para el club y metas personales. Para eso tenemos el ingredient mas importante de todos, el cual es poner esfuerso y creer en nosotros mismos para que la meta tenga un gran exito, y porsuesto tambien somos positivos recibiendo consejos en que podemos mejorar , cambiar o que estamos hacienda un buen travajo.
Nuestros goles para la proxima semana son terminar cada punto de la agenda que se dio a conocer la semana pasada. Participar lo mas que puedamos y ayuar a los miembros del club con los travajos que se les sedieron a cada uno de ellos. Pero lo mas importante divertirnos ayudandonos uno a los otros y desarollar nuestras habilidades aprendiendo cada dia diferentes cosas.
Como nos enfrentamos al cambio? Para esto claro no solo tenemos la mayor responsabilidad Fernando y yo como miembros del club, tambien la profesora Eva Rayas nos hacesora y nos aconseja como podemos mejorar cada junta cada evento y nos brida su ayuda para que el club tenga exito al final de cada junta y evento. Ella nos habla de el “como” y el “porque” los eventos y juntas para nosotros aplicarlas y ensenar a los miembros del club. Haci mi companero y viseprecidente Fernando y yo escuchamos cuidadosamente y nos ponemos deacuerdo con la profesora para yevar acavo las juntas y los proximos eventos en la agenda.
Es importante aclarar que, antes de establecer una VISIÓN, es necesario que se defina una clara MISIÓN. Pienso que todo este aprendisaje y planeacion que estamos poniendo el el club sera muy importante en el future para los estudiantes, sera mas organizado pero a la misma ves Habra actividades y extras reunions para que los miembros y estuiantes realizen mas porsimismos y desarrolen mas habilidades entre ellos mismos al igual que nosotros lo hacemos cada dia con esfuerso y empeno. Si el grupo no esta unido, organizado, y con una actitud positive, el club no sera club y la gente no estaria interesado en aprender sobre quienes somo como miembros de el parnaso.
El hombre de la foto es el visepresidente de El Parnaso y companero no solo de clases pero tambien miebro del club. El es uno de las pocas personas que confio para llevar un projecto o evento por que se que nunca me falla y hace buen travajo. No solo me apoya como estudiante si no tambien como amigo ya que llevo conociendolo desde mi primer year en la Universidad y se que cuento con el para todo. Es un horgullo como estudiante y una gran persona y amigo al que admiro mucho.
Judith Martínez
september 6, 2013
El Parnaso Club Meeting
Executive Report #1
In the three years I had been part of the Parnaso , I have met and participated more in what is the agenda . in september 5, 2013 el parnaso spanish club had the first oficial metting which Fernando and I partcipate as runing th meeting. These meetings indicates that in order to maintain our commitment to the next project , we have to be ambitious . However, we have to find balance ambition with “common sense and ensure the formation of a solid, stable organization . This semester I met with my colleague days before Fernando who is also part of the club. The plan was organizer agenda would present for the first official meeting .
The first thing we did in order to carry out the board was to put a fixed time to finish on time. Then try to explain each point as clear agenda that could be for the students and we saved well over time, and then let the questions for last.
The group of the club was very patient and very attentive during our presentation of the agenda and participate appropriately. We talk about upcoming events we will have in the month of September, because who would participate and also explain each activity again to remind as each activity and that is what is needed.
After the meeting with the club I set a goal to help the club is even more better than the past semesters . Every day I think of the potential inherent in each member. I like to do more fun activities , know more but most learn a lot from each activity. To take forward the club have to include more members opinions and give them the space to exercise their comments . First to be more organized and that is exactly how I started the board , then more involved in club activities and be more active . Tell me more of what is happening as I can help to learn more about how you can work better. And of course giving an example to the other members and also be active and part of the activities .
During the meeting they talk about who would participate in the events of the times when students were available to help as he was going to carry out the events where we would participate as members of the club. At the end of the board was impressive that most of the club members to participate and cooperate in the activity I think my colleague and I did a good job explaining each process and inviting them to participate in the upcoming events that we are ready to participate this September .
After an excellent meeting I had with my fellow club Parnassus . I set out to organize myself much better with more time and of course with the help of my colleague Fernando because it is difficult to present a single board . As the saying two heads are better than one and share ideas and do an excellent job in organizing meetings for the Parnassus club.
Moral I learned was , I am aware that one as responsible student wants to take care of everything but it is much better to work with more than one person and work mutually without purview. we expand what we have already achieved , improve and innovate it . From now on not only work more than two people if not we will share ideas, exchange thoughts and organize events much more for the club and its members and especially we can feel as an active club in college. I have the determination to make the club Parnassus a catalyst for change . A club that is centralized University to offer new ideas and energies building on established values and sharing with other clubs in the University.
En los tres año que tengo formando parte de El Parnaso, me he reunido y he participado mas en lo que es el proseso de la agenda. Estas reuniones indica que para poder mantener nuestro compromiso con los proximos proyectos, tenemos que ser ambiciosos. Sin embargo, tenemos que saber equilibrar la ambición con el “sentido común y garantizar la formación de una organización sólida y estable. Este semester me reuni dias antes con mi colega Fernando quien tambien es parte del club. El plan era organizer la agenda que presentariamos para la primer junta official.
Lo primero que hicimos para poder llevar acabo la junta fue poner un tiempo fijo para terminar a tiempo. Después tratamos de explicar cada punto de la agenda lo mas claro que se pudo para los estudiantes y así también ahorrábamos tiempo. Y después dejamos las preguntas para el final.
El grupo del club fue muy paciente y muy atento durante nuestra presentación de la agenda y participaron adecuadamente. Hablamos sobre los próximos eventos que tendremos en el mes de septiembre , quienes participarían y por puesto también explicamos cada actividad nuevamente para recordarles como es cada actividad y que es lo que se necesita.
Después de la junta con el club me propuse un gol para ayudar a que el club sea aun mas mejor que los semestres pasados. Todos los días pienso en el potencial inherente en cada miembro. Me gustaría hacer mas actividades divertirnos, conocernos mas pero sobretodo aprender mucho de cada actividad. Para sacar adelante el club tenemos que incluir mas opinions de los miebros y darles espacio para que ejerzan sus comentarios. Primero ser mas organizada y eso es precisamente como empecé la junta, después participar mas en las actividades del club y ser mas activa. Informarme mas de lo que esta pasando como puedo ayudar para saber mas acerca de cómo puede funcionar mejor. Y por supuesto dando el ejemplo a los otros miembros y que también sean activos y parte de las actividades.
Durante la junta se hablo de quien participaría en los eventos los horarios en que los estudiantes estaban disponibles para ayudar y como se iba a llevar acabo los eventos en los que participaríamos como miembros del club. Al final de la junta fue impresionante que la mayoría del club y los miembros participaran y cooperaran en la actividad me parece que mi colega y yo hicimos un buen trabajo explicando cada proceso y también invitándolos a participar en los próximos eventos que ya estamos listos para participar este mes de septiembre.
Después de una excelente junta que tuve con mis compañero del club el parnaso. Me propuse a organizarme mucho mejor con mas tiempo y por supuesto con ayuda de mi colega Fernando por que es difícil presentar una junta sola. Como dice el dicho es mejor dos cabezas que una así compartimos ideas y hacemos un excelente trabajo para organizar las juntas para el parnaso club.
Moraleja que aprendí fue, soy consiente que uno como estudiante responsable se quiere hacer cargo de todo pero es mucho mejor trabajar con mas de una persona y trabajar mutualmente y sin ámbito de competencia. debemos expandir lo que ya hemos logrado, mejorarlo e innovarlo. De hoy en adelante no solo trabajamos mas de dos personas si no que compartiremos ideas intercambiaremos pensamientos y organizaremos mucho mas eventos para que el club y sus miembros y sobre todo nosotros nos podamos sentir como un club activo en la universidad. Tengo la determinación de hacer de El parnaso club un catalizador del cambio. Un club en la Universidad que se centralice en ofrecer nuevas energías apoyándose en ideas y valores establecidos y compartiendo con otros clubs en la Universidad.
Judith Martinez
Facilitation observation
On Thursday August 29, 2013. I attend to the Art League club meting, which is located in the art building in Adams state university. The observations that cap my attention at the beginning of the meeting where how close the people are, describing them in one word it will be “family.”
They start with an agenda, which it was very organized. Everyone was paying attention, participating and also comment they own ideas. They also are in charge of one task for the next activities.
I see pretty good ideas in the agenda, like for example planning the next art event, how was going to be like and what could they change to make it better.
I really enjoy this meting that makes me go to they club mattings. They have a strong leadership and everyone is very welcome in they club. They are so organize and so creative when is the moment to create an event with a lot of artwork going on which is very interesting and learnable.
Everyone respect each idea and knows how to speak to everyone there. In less word they have a pretty strong leadership in their meetings. They show me a lot of the strategies that we use in class and I also understand them way better because I see they apply them in the entire meeting.
I also practicing with them this activities and I also show them how to become better leaderships. I give them examples of how get more people in there club, like for example making more events so students can know more about they clubs and also made some hand outs because they haven’t to that at all.
To finish my statement about the club meeting of Art League I just have to say that I enjoy observing, participating, and learning about other clubs that I’m not involve in, this club make me feel I would like to go to another club meeting and why not enjoy them and be part of they clubs.
Good description of the meeting. I think you were on the verge of providing what I am looking for when you state, “They show me a lot of the strategies that we use in class and I also understand them way better because I see they apply them in the entire meeting.”. I want you to directly relate this and then synthesize what you learned from this experience into how you are going to do things differently in the future.