Important Copyright Notice and Information for Students

As the fall semester gets underway, I’m writing to remind you of the risks involved with illegally downloading and/or sharing of copyrighted music, movies, games and software over the Internet. Unauthorized obtaining, sharing or offering such copyrighted material is illegal and in violation of U.S. copyright law. If caught, you may face severe civil and criminal penalties, including prison and monetary damages. Anyone found to have infringed a copyrighted work may be liable for statutory damages of up to $30,000 for each work and, if found to be willful, that amount may be increased up to $150,000 for each work infringed. Movie and recording companies actively monitor the Internet to identify individuals who are illegally downloading and/or sharing movies and music via peer-to-peer networks.

ASU fully complies with Federal law and takes prompt action when notified that one of its students may be illegally downloading and/or sharing copyrighted material. University Policy 500-008, Unauthorized Downloading and File Sharing of Copyrighted Digital Materials, is located on the ASU Computing Services Website, at If caught, ASU penalties could include loss of access to the campus computer network, disciplinary action and in extreme cases, expulsion from the University.

You may think that the large movie or recording companies won’t bother prosecuting a single university student downloading or sharing copyrighted material. Think again. Organizations such as the Recording Industry Association of America are serious about protecting their copyrighted material. In 2009, a Boston University graduate student was ordered to pay $675,000 for illegally downloading and distributing 30 songs. This comes out to $22,500, per incident, of copyright infringement. There are a number of online sources that provide legal alternatives for downloading or otherwise acquiring copyrighted material. A listing of many of these sites can be found at:

If you have specific questions regarding ASU’s Unauthorized Downloading and File Sharing Policy please contact the ASU Computing Services Help Desk at 587-7741 or via email at

Thanks and have a great semester!

Computing Services Maintenance for tonight, 9/28/17

Beginning at 9:00 PM, there will be brief outages to the following services as we perform updates to these systems. These outages should be very minimal, and should not impact campus constituents:

  • Web database, howto wiki, events server, campus blog server and Tutortrac.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the helpdesk at x7741 or via email at


Computing Services

CS Maintenance for Thursday, September 21st, 2017

Beginning at 9:00 PM, Employee, lab and TEC Classroom PCs and Macs will receive several critical security updates for the OS, Java, flash, .NET, Office, and Chrome.

In addition, Windows servers will receive updates starting at 9:00pm (MT). Expect 15-20 min downtime.

Also on Saturday September 23 between the hours of 7AM – 5PM Computing Services will be performing maintenance on Banner.

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at

Have a great day!

Computing Services

Google Services restored

After a brief outage, all Google services should be up again. If you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact us at x7741 or email us at


Computing Services


Google including Gmail, Google Calendar, other services is currently down

There is a known problem with Google’s services currently. GMail, Google Calendar, Drive, and other Google services are unavailable during this time. We will post any updates we receive to this page. Thanks for your patience.

Computing Services

Internet Services restored

We have received confirmation from CenturyLink that they have finished splicing our fiber and restored Internet service for all of campus. If you are still having issues, please reboot your devices and try again. There may be some slowness as all of our users are getting back on the network, so please be patient. If you are still having problems after a reboot, please contact us at 587-7741, stop by our office, or send us an email at

Thanks again for your patience throughout this process and have a great weekend.

Computing Services


Friday morning update on Internet Outage

CenturyLink had crews working through the night to pull in 1300 feet of replacement fiber optic cable that had been damaged. They are currently splicing and working to reconnect ASU. They have not been able to give us an estimated time for restoring our services, but they are doing everything they can to get it done. We will share updates as we get them, thanks for your patience.

Computing Services

Internet outage update

Services are partially restored. Labs, classrooms, and staff desktops are functional over a backup Internet link. Resnet and Wireless networks are still down at this time. CenturyLink is still troubleshooting the problem for the ASU campus and Charter/Spectrum.

Computing Services

Internet Services restored around 7:45 AM

Beginning last night around 10:30 PM, ASU experienced an Internet service outage that lasted until roughly 7:45 AM. There were reports of other services in the area such as Spectrum Cable Internet and Verizon data services being down as well. We have reached out to CenturyLink, our main campus Internet Service Provider to understand what happened and to hopefully ensure that this does not happen again.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Computing Services

Networking and Internet Services restored following a brief outage

At around 4:30 PM, campus experienced an outage to networking services due to an apparent hardware error on the campus firewall. Services were restored at around 5:30 PM. Computing Services will continue to monitor the situation closely and more deeply investigate the cause of the outage. This was not a planned outage, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you or others in your area are having trouble connecting, please reboot your device, and if you are still having problems, please contact the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at or call us at x7741 and we will respond to you as soon as we are able to.

Thank you for your understanding, and again, we apologize for the issues this may have caused.

Computing Services