Percussion Spectacular Started With a Bang and Ended With Bob Marley
Samantha Saville The Paw Print Dr. Doyle along with the students of Adams State College, the Rocky Mountain Pan Handlers, and a special performance by the San Luis Valley Community Steel Drum Band put on a truly spectacular performance in Richardson Hall on December 2. The night started with the ASC Percussion Ensemble performing “Bonham” […]
ASC’s Dirty Little column With the Delicious Dr. Love’s
Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC, when I went home for the weekend, one night I had way too much to drink, and ended up hooking up with a guy I had just met that night. As […]
Take Your Breath Away With The ASC Jazz Performance
Rebekah Tirrell The Paw Print The Music Department came together to create a beautiful night of jazz. Wednesday, November 17, brought Adams State Big Band, Jazz Combo, 68 West, and Acoustic Blues to the Adams State community and the Alamosa community as well. The directors were Professor James Doyle, instruments, and Dr. Beth Robison, vocals. […]
The Dirty Little Column With the Deliscious Dr. Love’s At ASC
Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental healt professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC, I’ve been talking to 2 guys; just talking and now both of them think we’re officially dating. I don’t want to break their hearts but what do I do?
The ASC’s Dirty Little Secret Column With the Delicious Dr. Love’s
Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightening are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC, I’m really attracted to this girl. She recently got out of a long-term relationship. Her friends say she doesn’t want to date right now because of this, but I’m unsure if […]
The Monster Mash Dash in Alamosa: Fun, Food, Costumes, Community
Cassie Mitchel The Paw Print Thank you to those who participated in and volunteered at the Monster Mash Dash on Saturday, October 30. Volunteers from La Puente, as well as students from Adams Sate College’s Organization/Administration of PE class, helped put on the 5k race. The money raised,, along with any canned goods collected from […]
The ASC’s Dirty Little Secret Column With the Delicious Dr. Love’s
Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC, A few weeks ago, my boyfriend cheated on me; even after he confessed and apologized I was really bummed about it. This past weekend, I went out with my friends, we […]
Community Profile: What You Should Know About Monte Vista
Anthony Guerrero The Paw Print Tired of Alamosa? Well rest-assured you are not alone. However, the San Luis Valley is home to some of the most beautiful and scenic communities in Colorado. Driving around the San Luis Valley, you will soon come to a small city known as Monte Vista. It seems small and uneventful […]
The ASC’s Dirty Little Secret Colum With the Delicious Dr. Love’s
Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC, So lately I have been hooking up with this girl and she has a huge bush. It really bothers me that every time I go down there I feel like I’m […]
V.P. Bill Manshiem Talks Budget and Tuition for Next Year
Kim Vialpando The Paw Print Bill Manshiem has been really busy lately working on many projects. He has been attending many senate, legislative, and state meetings. Adam State is dependent on state support. Currently, the state gives out around 12 million in support for student tuition and fees.
The ASC’s Dirty Little Secret Column With the Delicious Dr. Love’s
Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC, I have been hooking up and developing feelings for this girl “Gabriella” and recently I found out she has a boyfriend, should I tell him about his lying girlfriend’s sneaky ways […]
Sextet: Six short plays of love, passion, hatred, revenge…and blood!
Jesse Medina The Paw Print ALAMOSA, CO- The Sextet plays opened on October 26 at the Xperimental theatre on campus. There are six plays altogether that toy with the concepts of life, death, sexuality, incest, religion, murder, and the like. The Sextet plays are by Don Nigro, directed by Jessica Ray and Eleanor Smith. It […]
The ASC’s Dirty Little Secret Column With the Deliciious Dr. Love’s
Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightening are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. Dear DLC, There is this really sweet guy lets call him “Brian” He texts me , calls me, and even cooks for me. He is one of the nicest boys I have ever […]
Adams State College’s Dirty Little Secret Column With the Dr. Love’s
Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously. DEAR DLC: I went out with my friends to The Purple Pig this weekend. I’ll admit I had a few drinks, and I let loose on the dance floor. I ended up hardcore […]
A Brief History on the Luther Bean Museum in Richardson Hall
Toni Steffens The Paw Print Tucked away in the south end of the second story of Richardson Hall the Luther Bean Museum serves as an often underutilized service for the students of Adams State College and the public. Museum director, Kat Olance, believes that one of the biggest problems for the museum is letting people […]
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