
ASC Theatre Presents “An Evening of Ionesco”

Nicole Plowright The Bald Soprano and The Lesson are this season’s first set of student directed shows and will run from October 27 until October 31. They are both one act shows directed by Brittney Chowning and Lauren Gibbons. All shows will begin at 8:00 p.m. during the running dates.

New Art Exhibits in the Art Building

Nicole Plowright On Friday October 23, 2009 two new art exhibits opened in the art building’s Hartfield and Snook galleries. These exhibits will be open until November 20th, and are free for the public to come view.

Creed Comeback

Anthony Guerrero On, Monday, October 26th, Creed released its first album in almost a decade. They have cleverly titled the album “Overcome” to allude to the fact that the band has overcome all of its previous controversies and challenges.

Fall Choir Concert

Nicole Plowright The fall choir concert will be on Friday, Oct 30 in Richardson Hall at 8:00 p.m. This concert will include the 23 member chamber choir, and the 50 member concert choir. The concert will be directed by Dr. Beth Wagstrom.

Movie Review: Astro Boy

Armando Montano For fans of Anime and Manga, the story that started it all has been revived once again and is now in theaters as a computer-animated take of Osmamu Tezuka’s Astro Boy. Astro Boy follows the creation of an android boy made in the image of Dr. Tenma’s deceased son as he comes to […]

Luther Bean Museum Hosts New Art Exhibit

Nicole Plowright Friday October 23 the Luther Bean Museum opened the “Shadows on the Wall” exhibit. The exhibit includes pottery, jewelry and paintings. All art is done by the artist Tetsuko. The exhibit is dedicated to her cat, Princess, that lived from June 1996 to September 28, 2009.


My apology to all~ For those whom I hurt, For those who I disappointed, For those who frown daily,

Breast Cancer Awareness: Think Pink

Ashley Grover October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and the pink ribbon is widely known. People are encouraged to “think pink” as well as to remind their mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers to take care of their breast health by getting annual check-ups.

ASC’s theatre production makes another connection

Armando Montano South Coloradan The Adams State College Theater Department’s newest onstage production of “Children of a Lesser God” gave the audience an opportunity to see what impact sound has on those who cannot hear. The entire production required the contribution of several individuals to create the final result. Dr. John Taylor, professor of theater […]

Roctober Returns to Colorado

Jesse Medina South Coloradan Colorado is celebrating with the Colorado Rockies as they reach the postseason for the second time in three years. Success in Colorado sports has become not so much a goal as a yearly expectation.  The Avalanche began the trend as they won the Stanley Cup in the 1995-1996 season.  The much […]

Artifact of the Month From Adams Luther Bean Museum

Cheryl Ravens South Coloradan No. 2 Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye Camera Model C* No. 2A Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye Camera, Model B* The Luther Bean Museum proudly showcases two folding cartridge Hawk-Eye cameras as artifacts of the month for September, 2009.  First, a little bit of the history behind the cameras. Boston Camera Company manufactured a line […]

Mysterious Disappearance of Danice Day Revived

Anthony Guerrero South Coloradan Valley students and residents may vividly recall the mysterious case of the disappearance of Danice Day on January 9, 2002. Day was from Monte Vista, Colorado.  What followed were many speculations.  In a small farming community like Monte Vista, the rumors never failed, as everyone had their own version of what […]

Pictures Posted on Facebook

Ashley Grover South Coloradan People will post just about anything on social networking sites. Sites such as Facebook and MySpace have become popular networks for socializing and sharing pictures. What many people may not know is the risk associated with sharing personal information through social networking on the internet. The information you post on Facebook […]

Dirty Little Column

Dear DLC:  My boyfriend is very metro, wears eyeliner when he goes out, and has a little mermaid poster on his wall.  Past week or so, he has TURNED ME DOWN FOR SEX!!!! Is he gay? DGL:  I don’t know, have you asked him?  He’s probably the only one who can tell you if he’s […]

Poetry Reading at Luther Bean Museum

Nancy Blevins South Coloradan It was a cool evening with a small gathering around a podium, listening quietly to the poets’ voices, waiting for their words to strike a chord. As with every event there are always individuals who can’t refrain from talking or shuffling in their seats, distracting others. Nor can you help your […]

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