September 9th, 2013 — System Status
First of all, we hope everyone’s semester is off to a good start. We at Computing Services wanted to let all returning students know of some major changes and improvements we made to printing in the student computer labs over the summer. Below are the details:
Due to requests from students, we have increased the semester-based print credit from $25 up to $30 per semester. Students have also been asking us to be more “green” so we have enabled double-sided printing (duplex) for all printers in the labs. In addition, to save print credit, we are charging the same price for a double-sided black and white print as we used to charge for single-sided (.05 per page).
Another request we have received is to provide more information on what was printed. Now when a student logs in to both PCs and Macs there is a green floating window called PaperCut that shows them their current balance. This gets updated every time a student prints. By clicking on the Details link on the PaperCut window it opens a web browser. Once the student enters their username and password, they can view more detailed information, Transaction History, Transfer money to another user, and see Recent Print Jobs.
One final capability that students have asked for is the ability to use Web-Based printing. With the move to PaperCut, students can print from their residence hall, mobile device, or any Internet-connected device to any lab printer on campus. For more information on how to use Web print see:
As always, if you have any questions regarding this or anything else related to student technology on campus, please do not hesitate to call the ASU Computing Services Help Desk at 719-587-7741 or email us at
Have a great day!
Computing Services
September 5th, 2013 — Maintenance Announcements
The following maintenance activities will take place Thursday September 5, 2013 during our normally scheduled maintenance window beginning at 9:00 PM:
At 9:00 PM, we will be installing critical security patches on our Microsoft Active Directory and Print Servers. Interruption to Active Directory and printing functions should be minimal.
***Banner Maintenance on Saturday, September 7th***
Beginning at 9:00 AM on Saturday, all Banner services will be unavailable for roughly one hour. This is required for us to replace a faulty hard disk drive in the main database server.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at
Thank you,
Computing Services
August 29th, 2013 — Maintenance Announcements
The following maintenance activities will take place Thursday August 29th, 2013 during our normally scheduled maintenance window beginning at 9:00 PM:
Employee and TEC Classroom computers will receive critical security patches for Windows, Firefox, VLC, Flash, Adobe AIR, and Shockwave beginning at 9 PM. Employees are encouraged to log out and leave their computers on when leaving for the day. This will enable these updates to run overnight and minimize any impact to our users.
Also at 9:00 PM, we will be rebooting the campus file server. Interruption to the home and shared directory services should be minimal.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at
Thank you,
Computing Services
August 26th, 2013 — Maintenance Announcements, Security Tips
As the fall semester gets underway, I’m writing to remind you of the risks involved with illegal downloading and/or sharing of copyrighted music, movies, games and software over the Internet. Unauthorized obtaining, sharing or offering such copyrighted material is illegal and in violation of U.S. copyright law. If caught, you may face severe civil and criminal penalties, including prison and monetary damages. Anyone found to have infringed a copyrighted work may be liable for statutory damages of up to $30,000 for each work and, if found to be willful, that amount may be increased up to $150,000 for each work infringed. Movie and recording companies actively monitor the Internet to identify individuals who are illegally downloading and/or sharing movies and music via peer-to-peer networks.
ASU fully complies with Federal law and takes prompt action when notified that one of its students may be illegally downloading and/or sharing copyrighted material. University Policy 500-008, Unauthorized Downloading and File Sharing of Copyrighted Digital Materials, is located on the ASU Computing Services Website, at If caught, ASU penalties could include loss of access to the campus computer network, disciplinary action and in extreme cases, expulsion from the University.
You may think that the large movie or recording companies won’t bother prosecuting a single university-student downloading or sharing copyrighted material. Think again. Organizations such as the Recording Industry Association of America are serious about protecting their copyrighted material. In 2009, a Boston University graduate student was ordered to pay $675,000 for illegally downloading and distributing 30 songs. This comes out to $22,500, per incident, of copyright infringement. There are a number of online sources that provide legal alternatives for downloading or otherwise acquiring copyrighted material. A listing of many of these sites can be found at:
If you have specific questions regarding ASU’s Unauthorized Downloading and File Sharing Policy please contact the
ASU Computing Services Help Desk at 587-7741 or via email at
Thanks and have a great semester!
Computing Services
August 9th, 2013 — Maintenance Announcements
Computing Services has successfully restored Banner Web and Self-Service Banner systems. If you have any trouble logging into or using these systems, please call the ASU Computing Services Help Desk at x7741 or contact us via email at
We thank you for your support and patience this morning, and apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.
Computing Services
August 9th, 2013 — Maintenance Announcements
There is currently an issue caused by last night’s maintenance on the Banner system that has taken School Services down. We have identified our best course of action to recover from this unforeseen problem caused by the vendor’s patch and are working diligently to restore services. Unfortunately, this is a process we have not had to do before, so we are unsure of the length of time necessary to perform the fix. Please check the campus announcement page for the most up-to-date information regarding this outage, the link to that page is
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this is causing, and will work to restore services as soon as absolutely possible. Thank you for your patience.
Computing Services
August 8th, 2013 — Maintenance Announcements
The following maintenance activities will take place Thursday August 8th, 2013 during our normally scheduled maintenance window beginning at 9:00 PM:
Banner Maintenance:
At 9:00 PM, all Banner services including forms, Banner Printing, Self-Service Banner, and Student Services will be down for roughly three hours as we install critical Banner security patches.
Server Maintenance:
Also at 9:00 PM, we will be rebooting the campus wikis, blogs, email list, thin client server, content management system, and web databases after security patches are installed. Interruption to these services should be minimal.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at
Thank you,
Computing Services
August 1st, 2013 — Maintenance Announcements
The following maintenance activities will take place Thursday August 1st, 2013 during our normally scheduled maintenance window beginning at 9:00 PM:
Banner Maintenance:
At 9:00 PM, all Banner services including forms, Banner Printing, Self-Service Banner, and Student Services will be down for roughly three hours as we install critical Banner security patches.
File Server Maintenance:
Also at 9:00 PM, the campus file server will be unavailable for roughly 1 hour for critical maintenance activities. During this time, access to user’s home (X:) and shared (S:) drives will be unavailable.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at
Thank you,
Computing Services
July 25th, 2013 — Maintenance Announcements
The following maintenance activities will take place Thursday July 25th, 2013 during our normally scheduled maintenance window beginning at 9:00 PM:
Banner Maintenance:
At 9:00 PM, all Banner services including forms, Banner Printing, Self-Service Banner, and Student Services will be down for roughly two hours due to a required upgrade to the Banner General and Financial Aid modules.
New Campus File Server:
Also beginning at 9:00 PM, we will be migrating campus to our new file server. All your home and shared directories should be mapped automatically when you log in on Friday. If you do not see your home and shared drives, please reboot. If you still cannot see your directories, please call the Helpdesk at 7741.
With the new file server comes an upgraded web interface for accessing your files! The website remains the same:
Check out our wiki for instructions on using the upgraded interface:
Campus Print Server Migration:
All employee computers will run a script silently that will migrate your existing network mapped printers to the new print server. Local printers and banner printers will not be effected. You should notice that srvprn2 changes to srvprn3 in the printer name. You will not need to manually re-map your network printers.
The new print server uses new drivers, so the print properties windows may look slightly different. If you notice any issues please contact us at or at x7741.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at
Thank you,
Computing Services
July 24th, 2013 — Maintenance Announcements
Computing Services is in the process of deleting accounts of students who are no longer actively admitted or registered for classes, and have not been for over a year. With all of the recent phishing and spam emails that have been floating around trying to convince users to click a link or enter their username and password into a form, we realize that students may think that the warning message we send out is not legitimate. In hopes of providing as much notice as possible regarding these upcoming account deletions, Computing Services is publishing the text of the warning message below. Please note that we will NEVER ask users to reply to an email or click a link to provide their account information. Instead, we have provided our direct telephone number to the helpdesk so that students can call us directly to verify that this is a legitimate message.
*****Sample Account Termination Message*****
Dear Student-Name,
You are receiving this email message because our records indicate that you are no longer an active student, and have not enrolled in any classes at Adams State University for three or more consecutive semesters. Due to this inactivity, Computing Services is performing an account deletion on your student account scheduled in 14 days. If this information is incorrect, and you are currently enrolled as a student at ASU, please call our ASU Computing Services Help Desk directly at 719-587-7741 so that we can update your record and keep your account
active. You may also reply to this email indicating that this is in error, and we can schedule a conversation with a Help Desk assistant to update your records.
Remember, ASU will NEVER ask for your password over email or the phone. If you ever doubt the legitimacy of a message, you should not reply to the message, but instead call the known phone number or visit the website you know to be authentic. We will be posting messages regarding
this account deletion to the Computing Services Blog page and the Campus Announcements page on the University One Stop page.
If you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Help Desk directly at 719-587-7741.
Thank you,
Computing Services