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Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 9/22/22

***Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 9/22/22***

Beginning at 9:00 PM MST Thursday evening, 9/22, Computing Services will be performing several back-end changes to our account management systems and Active Directory. While we do not anticipate this to cause disruptions or challenges logging into systems or accessing data, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Computing Services if you have any challenges on Friday. 

***REMINDER: Set up 2-step verification for your ASU Google account by 9/27/22***

As per our notification to campus earlier this week, ASU is implementing 2-step verification for Google accounts for all faculty, staff, and students starting next Tuesday, 9/27/22. This requirement is to improve account security and is strongly encouraged from our auditors and IT security experts. This is also a requirement for our migration from Banner to Workday.

We encourage all faculty, staff, and students to set up 2-step verification prior to the 27th to prevent any disruptions in accessing your ASU Google account for email, calendaring, etc. If you do not set up 2-step verification before 9/27/22, you will be prompted to set it up once you log in after the transition. Please visit Google’s 2-step verification instructions on how to set this up for your account.

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. If you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at (719) 587-7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day,

Computing Services

Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 9/15/22

Beginning at 9:00 PM MST Thursday evening, Computing Services will be installing September 2022 Microsoft patches/updates to our test systems for future deployment. We anticipate no impact for client-facing systems.

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. If you have any questions, please call the Computing Services Helpdesk at (719) 587-7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day,

Computing Services

Banner PROD Downtime and CS Maintenance this week (9/8-9/9/22)

Now that Fall semester is under way and we are past our maintenance freeze, Computing Services will be performing several critical maintenance tasks that are required for various systems. See below for details:

***Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 9/8/22***

Beginning at 5:00 PM MST Thursday evening, 9/8, Computing Services will be updating CLEAN Address in the Banner Production environment. While this update will slightly affect the Banner Admin page, Banner Self-Service will not be impacted and no downtime is expected.

***Banner PROD Downtime for Thursday, 9/8/22 through Friday morning, 9/9/22***

Beginning at 9:00 PM MST on Thursday, 9/8, and lasting until approximately 5:00 AM MST on Friday, 9/9, our remote DBA team will be deploying a critical Oracle update. During this time, ALL Production Banner services will be unavailable, including Banner Admin, Self-Service, Web-Services, and School Services, etc.

***Additional Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 9/8/22***

Also beginning at 9:00 PM MST on Thursday evening, we will be performing maintenance on our backend server cluster. Brief interruptions may occur, while the systems are rebooting. 

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. If you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at (719) 587-7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day,

Computing Services

Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 8/11/22

Beginning at 9:00 PM MST Thursday evening, Computing Services will be installing August 2022 Microsoft patches/updates to our test systems for future deployment. We anticipate no impact for client-facing systems.

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. If you have any questions, please call the Computing Services Helpdesk at (719) 587-7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day,

Computing Services

Banner PROD Available: 2022 Quarter 2 Updates Complete

The 2022 Banner Quarter 2 Updates have been deployed to the production environment this morning, Aug 6th, 2022. The Banner Admin and Self-Service applications are available at this time.

The Banner 2022 Quarter 2 updates include:
Banner Application Navigator
Banner Accounts Receivable,
Banner Access Management
Banner Admin Common
Banner Financial Aid,
Banner Finance 8.14.1,
Banner General 8.14.1,
Banner HR and Payroll 8.20.1,
Banner Position Control
Banner Student 8.24.1,

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding for the downtime to deploy the critical 2022 Banner 1st Quarter Updates to our production environment. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day! Computing Services

Banner PROD Downtime and CS Maintenance this week and next (8/4-9/22)

Computing Services has several maintenance activities slated for this week and early next. See below for details:

***Banner PROD Downtime and Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 8/4/22***

Beginning at 9:00 PM MST Thursday, and lasting until approximately 5:00 AM Friday morning, the Banner Production environment will be unavailable while Oracle PSU security updates are deployed. During this time, ALL Banner PROD services will be unavailable, including Banner Admin, Self-Service, Web-Services, and School Services, etc.

Also beginning at 9:00 PM MST Thursday evening, Computing Services will be upgrading the server that hosts the System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) (the system that is used to push all Windows updates, software updates, and new applications) and JAMF (our Apple device management system). We expect this maintenance to take ~3-5 hours to complete and anticipate no impact to users outside of Computing Services while the maintenance is performed.

***Banner PROD Downtime for Saturday, 8/6/22***

Beginning at 7:00 AM MST Saturday, 8/6, and lasting until approximately 12:00 PM, the Banner Production environment will be unavailable while 2nd Quarter and Critical Updates are deployed. During this time, ALL Banner PROD services will be unavailable, including Banner Admin, Self-Service, Web-Services, and School Services, etc.

***Computing Services Maintenance for Tuesday, 8/9/22***

Beginning at 12:00 noon MST, next Tuesday, 8/9, and lasting ~1 hour, the Axiom Production environment will be upgraded. No downtime is expected.

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. If you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at (719) 587-7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day,

Computing Services

Degree Works PROD Downtime + CS Maintenance this week/early next (7/28 and 8/2)

This week and early next, Computing Services will be performing several critical maintenance tasks that are required for our various systems. See below for details.

***Maintenance Activities for Thursday, 7/28/22***

Beginning at 7:00 PM MST this evening (Thursday, 7/28), Computing Services will be performing an upgrade of the operating system for the TutorTrac server. We anticipate an approximate downtime of 3-5 hours as this maintenance is performed.

Beginning at 9:00 PM MST this evening, Computing Services will be performing internal testing on our Jade Internet connection. No downtime is anticipated, as ASU has two live Internet connections, allowing work to be performed on one link without disruption to Internet services for our campus users.

Also at 9:00 PM MST Thursday evening, Computing Services will be moving the CS workstation switch to the new core router. No downtime is expected.

***Degree Works PROD Downtime for Tuesday, 8/2/22***

Early next week, the Degree Works PROD environment will be unavailable beginning at 9:00 PM MST Tuesday evening (8/2) until Wednesday morning (8/3) at 6:00 AM MST, while Oracle Quarter 2 updates are deployed. During this time, ALL Degree Works services will be inaccessible.

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. If you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at (719) 587-7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day,

Computing Services

Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 7/21/22

Beginning at 9:00 PM MST Thursday evening, Computing Services will be installing June Microsoft Windows updates to all Windows-based systems, including employee, lab and TEC Classroom computers. These patches will force a reboot, so please log off and leave your computers on at the end of your work day Thursday to assist with installation.

Also beginning at 9:00 PM MST on Thursday, Computing Services will be performing internal testing on our Lumen BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) and Internet connection. No downtime is anticipated, as ASU has two live Internet connections, allowing work to be performed on one link without disruption to Internet services for our campus users.

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. If you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at (719) 587-7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day,

Computing Services


Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 7/14/22

Beginning at 9:00 PM MST Thursday evening, Computing Services will be installing July 2022 Microsoft patches/updates to our test systems for future deployment. We anticipate no impact for client-facing systems.

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. If you have any questions, please call the Computing Services Helpdesk at (719) 587-7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day,

Computing Services

Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday (7/7), and Saturday (7/9)

Starting at 5:00 PM MST tomorrow, Thursday 7/7, Computing Services will be performing an upgrade on the CleanAddress system within Banner. No impact is expected for our campus users.

This Saturday (7/9) beginning at 8:00 AM and lasting until roughly 5:00 PM, Computing Services will be upgrading the DegreeWorks PROD system to version During this time, the DegreeWorks system will be offline and unavailable.

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. If you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at (719) 587-7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu.

Have a great day,

Computing Services