Banner PROD DB Available – Saturday 4/13/19 @ 4:15 pm

Banner PROD DB Available – Saturday 04/13/2019 @ 4:15 pm

The Banner production environment is updated and available at this time. The Banner Self-Service and Web-Services are available too. The modules that were updated:

Banner 8:
 General 8.11
 Finance 8.12
 Fin Aid (fix for CR-000165346 only)
 Fin Aid 8.35
 Student 8.17.1

Banner 8 SSB:
 Web General 8.8
 Employee Self-Service
 Fin Aid Self-Service
 Student Self-Service 8.7.2 (COF)

Banner 9 Admin:
 Admin Common 9.3.16
 App Nav 3.1.1
 General 9.3.13
 AR 9.3.10
 Finance 9.3.11
 Fin Aid
 Fin Aid
 HR 9.3.10 & Pos Ctrl 9.3.10
 Student 9.3.14

Banner 9 SSB:
 General SSB 9.3
 Student Registration SSB 9.12 (COF)

Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these mandatory critical patching activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at

Have a great day!
Computing Services