
Sun Viewing

Irma Sandoval The Paw Print   Adams State College students were given a rare opportunity to view the sun thanks to the Adams State Astrology Club on Feb. 4. Outside of the Adams State Planetarium there were four different telescopes each showing different views of the sun; one allowed people to see the solar flares […]

New AS&F Constitutional Amendment

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print   Associated Students and Faculty (AS&F) a student based governing body at Adams State that supports club activities  and monitors the allocation of funds for clubs, as well as other school organizations, is in the process of bringing an important amendment to the AS&F constitution.   

Solar Flares Create Extra Northern Lights in Norway

Rachel Decker The Paw Print Residents in Norway were in for a real treat last week when the latest emission of solar flares contributed to the first of many brilliant northern lights sighting of the year. Many people are panicking over the promise of more solar flares, claiming it is a sign of the end […]

McDaniel Hall Renovations Finally Complete

Johanna Keever The Paw Print The renovation is finished, and the new remodeled McDaniel Hall is open for business.  For a year the faculty and students at Adams State has been waiting for the newly remodeled building to be finished.  The old Education and Social Science (ESS) was rebuilt and funded by students to complete […]

Cruise Ship Sinks Off of the Italian Coast

Cruise Ship Sinks Off of the Italian Coast

Rachel Decker The Paw Print Disaster struck the Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia on Jan. 13 when the ship struck a reef off the Italian coast and ran aground at isola del giglio, Tuscany, causing an evacuation for the 4,197 passengers on board. The estimated death toll so far is 16 people including many injuries. […]

ASC Students Attend HACU Leadership Conference

ASC Students Attend HACU Leadership Conference

Lace King PR Department Workshops and networking encouraged Adams State students to continue their higher education degrees and remain true to their heritage, during the twenty-fifth annual Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) conference in San Antonio, Texas, from Oct. 27 through Nov. 1. Adams State Cultural Awareness and Student Achievement (CASA) volunteers reviewed applications […]

Tonawanda Hostage Incident Proven False

Tonawanda Hostage Incident Proven False

Rachel Decker The Paw Print   The town of Tonawanda was on full alert last Saturday morning when SWAT team members were called in to take care of a hostage situation after a call came in to the police station reporting that an armed gunman had taken his mother and girlfriend hostage. The SWAT team […]

Five-Year-Old Disfigured in Iraq and Brought to U.S.

Five-Year-Old Disfigured in Iraq and Brought to U.S.

Rachel Decker The Paw Print Youssif was only five years old when he became horribly disfigured. It was Jan. 15, 2007. That same day, US troops had surged the Iraqi capital to cut down on sectarian violence that plagued Baghdad. Youssif was playing outside that day while his mother was cleaning the house. Suddenly, the […]

Choking Game Turned Deadly for 10-Year-Old

Choking Game Turned Deadly for 10-Year-Old

Rachel Decker The Paw Print Yolanda Cash encountered a parents worst nightmare when she came home and discovered her 10-year-old son Thailan Curtis slumped over unconscious and bleeding from his mouth with a curtain around his neck. It had been Thailan’s older brother who first discovered the scene, and the brother rushed and told his […]

ASC’s Annual Holiday Art and Craft Show

ASC’s Annual Holiday Art and Craft Show

Armando Montano The Paw Print For the entire month of December, ASC Community Partnerships has coordinated, and is presenting to the public, the third annual holiday art and craft show. The Holiday Art and Craft Show is an exhibit showcasing the very best that Alamosa residents and the rest of the San Luis Valley has […]

Scholar of the Week: December 8

Scholar of the Week: December 8

Reggie Thompson The Paw Print Bryce Turner comes in as this week’s Scholar of the Week as a solid chemistry student. This senior, graduating in May, was nominated by Associate Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Christina Miller. Turner doesn’t shy away from hard work and a rigorous course load, taking physical  chemistry, analytical chemistry, molecular II, […]

AIDS Awareness Week at Adams State College

AIDS Awareness Week at Adams State College

  Armando Montano The Paw Print Adams State College is in full preparations for the annual observance of AIDS Awareness week. Administrators  and advocates at Adams State College are joining with other community organizations to hold several events on campus in hopes of spreading awareness on prevention of HIV and AIDS infection among all populations […]

Iraqis Doubting Legitimacy of U.S. Withdraw Claim

Iraqis Doubting Legitimacy of U.S. Withdraw Claim

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Marking the official withdraw of U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of this year, Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Iraq on November 29 for an unannounced visit.  Shi’ites supporting Iraqi cleric Moqtada al-Sadr held an anti-U.S. protest in Basra to oppose Biden’s visit.  In the interim, the Financial […]

Van Der Sloot Filing Lawsuit Against Governments

Van Der Sloot Filing Lawsuit Against Governments

Rachel Decker The Paw Print Twenty four-year-old Joran van der Sloot, the man that is still the primary suspect in the murders of Natalee Holloway, is now filing a $10 million lawsuit against authorities with the Chilean and Peruvian government, as well as Richard Flores, the father of a second murder victim whom van der […]

KASF Hosts Harvest Celebration for Local Kids

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Adams State’s nonprofit community based and student run radio station, KASF 90.9 FM connected with ASC campus’s Gingerbread Daycare center to host the first annual Harvest Celebration, to give local children a chance to play games and celebrate the holiday season.  The Nov. 17 event, organized by KASF members and […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
