
Russia Invades Crimea on the Ukraine Peninsula

Jake Hughes The Paw Print Russia has moved troops into a Ukraine territory, Crimea, and has declared they will remain there until the situation is resolved. Russia is said to be protecting Russian interests and citizens. A number of Russian soldiers have surrounded multiple Ukrainian military bases blocking any troops entering or leaving. The military […]

¿ Nieto el Salvador, O Caudillismo de Diferente Nombre?

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print El titular en la portada de la edición internacional más reciente de la revista TIME lo dice todo: “Salvando a México.” El titular está acompañado de una imagen elegante del presidente mexicano de 47 años, Enrique Peña Nieto, de pie vestido con un traje caro y luciendo una corbata con […]

Professor Hilwig Set to Deliver Lecture

During the Adams State University Faculty Lecture, associate professor of sociology Dr. Stephanie Hilwig will deliver “Invisible Sexism: Eradicating What We Don’t See.” The free event begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, in Porter Hall room 130. In virtually every field, women earn less than men. This includes women working in the same fields […]

Upcoming Lifeways of the San Luis Valley

Linda Relyea The Paw Print Community members are invited to attend free lectures on the history, culture, and traditions of the San Luis Valley. The Lifeways of the San Luis Valley lectures begin at 6 p.m. in McDaniel Hall room 201. The lectures are sponsored by the Adams State University Title V Hilos Culturales. February […]

Adams State to Celebrate Women’s Week

Linda Relyea The Paw Print Adams State University Tori Vigil ‘15, sociology major, has organized a week of events in celebration of Women’s Week. She said the idea began with wanting “to simply show the film Miss Representation to the community. It quickly grew from there, because of the shared passion regarding the betterment, equality, […]

ASU Professional Development Week Career Fair

The Adams State University Office of Career Services will host a Spring Career Fair for students and alumni. The event will take place from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, in the Student Union Building Banquet Rooms. Career Services Coordinator Ed Venegas organized the event. He said students, alumni, and community members are […]

G20 Economics Decisions Set to Have Global Impact

Steven Petrov The Paw Print Financial ministers and the heads of all the central banks of G20 have reached the mutual agreement that a 2% increase of the total GDP of G20 in the next 5 years is both realistic and achievable. They concluded that it would have an enormous impact over these countries economies, […]

Yale Psychologist to Discuss Childhood Trauma

Julie Waechter The Paw Print Dr. Christy Olezeski, a clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University, will discuss “Childhood Trauma: Behavioral and Biological Correlates and What We Can Do to Help” at 3 p.m. on Friday, March 7, in Adams State University’s McDaniel Hall 101 (corner of First St. & Richardson). Co-sponsored […]

Largest Mexican Drug Cartel Leader Arrested

Steven Petrov The Paw Print The most wanted man in Mexico, Joaquin Guzman, has been arrested on Mexican soil after a joint operation of Mexican and US police forces. A mexican policeman had confirmed the information about the successful operation and the capture of the dangerous criminal. The capturing took place in the sea resort […]

P.O.E.T Club Set to Host First Open Mic Night

Reuben Chavira The Paw Print Passion. Over. Every. Thing. – The energy of this movement has the potential to inspire the student body at Adams State University. To inspire and to be inspired – These are life changing experiences that leave memorable impressions. These moments of connection are what drive the human condition. They forge […]

Bolivia Sigue Industrializando Con Fabricas de Litio

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Bolivia ya cuenta con su primera planta piloto ensambladora de baterías de ión de litio, ubicada en la localidad potosina de La Palca. Cuenta con una capacidad de producción diaria de 1.000 baterías para celulares o computadoras y 40 para bicicletas o coches. En el evento de inauguración, el gerente […]

Adams State Veterans Club Presents Forum

Matthew Martinez The Paw Print All US military veterans are invited to the Adams State University VA forum. The event is from 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 26, in the Student Union Banquet Rooms, located at the south end, first floor. The forum will provide an opportunity for all veterans to voice their […]

Nielsen Library Hosts Spanish Trail Presentation

The Adams State University Nielsen Library will host a presentation by Dr. Douglas Knudson on the Old Spanish Trail. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, in the library second floor lounge. He will discuss his book Characters of the Old Spanish Trail, which profiles some two dozen families and individuals that traveled […]

Adams State Set to Put on Upcoming Concerts

The Adams State University Concert and Chamber Choirs will be presenting a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, in the Sacred Heart Church, located in Alamosa, Colo.  They will be joined by the San Luis Valley Children’s Chorus, 68 West and the 2014 Adams State High School Honor […]

Greece Anticipates Upcoming Economic Growth

Steven Petrov The Paw Print Greece has been one of the European countries with the largest amount of international debt, accumulated over the last 3-5 years. The world’s financial crisis of 2008 hit the Greeks’ economy and destroyed the previously established status quo of being the country with the highest standard of living in all […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
