
Educators Hall of Fame event is May 7

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 ALAMOSA (April 22) – The Adams State University Teacher Education Department Educators Hall of Fame begins at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 7, in the Student Union Banquet rooms. The 2014 inductees include Elementary Educators: Sandra Hay and Harriet Rebecca Dalzell Hester; Secondary Educators: John Atencio and […]

ASU Ag Business Students Participated in Crop Walk

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 Zena Buser (School of Business) 719-587-8166 ALAMOSA (April 23) – Pictured, Adams State University agricultural business students Tyler Haney, Lane Cox, Cody Johnson, Katy Dickey, Nikita Christensen participated in the annual Crop Walk at Alamosa’s Cole Park. Zena Buser, associate professor of business, said she encourages […]

Keitges’ Final Faculty Recital is May 8

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 ASU Music Department 719-587-7621 ALAMOSA (April 24) – The Adams State University Music Department Faculty Recital, by Dr. Christine Keitges, begins at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 8, in Leon Memorial Hall. Dr. William Lipke will accompany the mezzo-soprano. Keitges is retiring this year, so this will […]

Alternative Radio host will Speak on the ASU Campus

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 Donna Griego (Enrollment Management) 719-587-7436 ALAMOSA (April 22) – The first program manager at KRZA, Alamosa’s public radio station, and current host of Alternative Radio, David Barsamian is the final presenter of the Adams State University Title V Hilos Culturales lecture series, “Lifeways of the San […]

ASU Retirees Share Dedication to Their Profession

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 ALAMOSA (April 22) – The Adams State University Student Union banquet rooms were abuzz as hearty greetings passed between current and former colleagues at the annual Retirement Dinner, on April 21. Organized by the Office of Alumni Relations, Director Lori Laske invited the recent retirees to […]

The SLV Symphony Spring Concert is May 3

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 Music Department 719-587-7621 ALAMOSA (April 22) – The San Luis Valley Symphony will present its Spring Classics Concert at 7 p.m. Saturday, May 3, in Leon Memorial Hall on the Adams State University campus. Under the direction of Dr. William Lipke, the program will feature popular […]

ASU Alumna Mullens Will Address Spring Graduates

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 ALAMOSA (April 25) – Cathy Mullens, class of ‘82, will give the commencement address at Adams State University in Alamosa on May 10, 2014. The ceremony begins at 10 a.m. in Plachy Hall. Adams State will award 330 degrees, including 276 bachelor’s degrees, and 54 associate […]

ASU Presents an Evening of Performance Art

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 John Taylor (Theatre Department) 719-587-7382 ALAMOSA (April 25) – The Adams State University Performance Art class announces an evening of group and solo performances at 7:30 pm. Wednesday, April 30, and Thursday, May 1, in the ASU Theatre Building’s Xperimental Theatre. Featuring performances by art, music, […]

USA and EU Must Act Together on Further Sanctions

Steven Petrov The Paw Print “While Russia chooses to follow the road of provocations, further sanctions and consequences are unavoidable” In an official press conference in Malaysia on Sunday April 27th, during his official Asian political trip, President Obama appealed to his European colleagues, talking about the incredible importance of the mutual support of USA […]

PRI y la Censura Estatal del Internet en México cana

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print En la iniciativa de leyes secundarias al sector de telecomunicaciones que propuso el Poder Ejecutivo, y que ahora se discute en el Senado de la República, particularmente en los apartados VII y VIII del Artículo 197, donde ordena a los concesionarios de servicios de telecomunicaciones a “bloquear, inhibir o anular […]

Potential “Natural Gas War” Between Russia and Europe

Steven Petrov The Paw Print Ukraine has accumulated over $2 billion in natural gas debt over the recent years. Under the current political and economical hostility between Ukraine and Russia, this serves as an additional reason for the tension to keep being high in the region. The European Commissioner for Energy in the European Commission, […]

Free Faculty Lecture will Address Parkinson’s Disease Protein

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 Kristy Duran (Biology Department) 719-587-7767 ALAMOSA (April 16) –”Alpha-Synuclein: The Parkinson’s disease Protein,” by Dr. Aaron Moehlig, assistant professor of chemistry, begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, in Porter Hall 130. In ancient India “Kampavata”, described by Galen in AD 175 as, “a shaking palsy” […]

ASU Choirs will perform at Sacred Heart Church

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Linda Relyea (Institutional Advancement) 719-587-7827 ASU Music Department 719-587-7621 ALAMOSA (April 16) – The Adams State University Chamber and Concert Choirs will perform at 7 p.m. Friday, April 25 in Sacred Heart Church, located in Alamosa, Colo. They will be joined by the San Luis Valley Children’s Chorus. The choirs will […]

Local, Regional, National and International Weekly

Jake Hughes The Paw Print In local news, Adams State University new observatory has started construction. The Zachies Planetarium turns 50 this year and is set to receive the long awaited reconstruction. Thanks to the $3.6 million grant awarded in October 2011 from the Hispanic Serving Institutions, (HIS) STEM program, (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) […]

Niebla y Chapo: Claves Para una Purga Mexicana

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Jesús Vicente Zambada Niebla, hijo del poderoso cofundador de la organización narcotraficante de Sinaloa, ha aceptado contar todo lo que sabe al gobierno de los EEUU sobre sus supuestos socios criminales, sus operaciones y facilitadores, anunciaron autoridades estadounidenses esta semana. Los detalles de su cooperación se detallan en un reciente […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
