Movie Review: “Rear Window”
Toni Ortivez The Paw Print Last Thursday evening, Professor Eriksen had the second movie showing of the semester for students in the Art Building. Eriksen showed the 1954 Alfred Hitchcock film “Rear Window.” For public student viewing, these movies are held in the art department due to copyright laws and department polices. However, many […]
Police Reports for Jan. 4- Feb. 18
1/4/10 2200hrs Mental Health Faculty Dr. Arrest 1/7/2010 1130hrs Abandoned Vehicle ASC High Rise parking lot Report 1/14/2010 1730hrs. FTA Warrant ASC Plachy Gym Arrest 1/18/2010 1300hrs Vandalism/Theft Art Building Arrest 1400hrs Theft SUB 321 Report 2120hrs Marijuana Violation Coronado Hall Arrest 1/19/10 1400hrs Theft ASC PD Arrest 1/20/2010 1600hrs Theft […]
Fandom of the Opera
Samantha Saville The Paw Print The one-time only showing of “Fandom of the Opera” will be on Thursday, March 4 at 7:30 pm. The Emmy-award winning sound editor Mark Schubin will be presenting the show on the main stage in the theater building. He is also the engineer-in-charge of the Metropolitan Opera’s media department.
Daybreakers: A Vampire Thriller of the Future
Armando Montano The Paw Print Following the recent trend of vampires in movies, the vampire action thriller Daybreakers is sure to have many fans of this near-apocalyptic battle between humans and vampires. In the near future, a sudden plague swept through world transforming a majority of the Earth’s population into vampires. The human race is […]
Children of a Lesser God Travels to RMTA
Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print Jonathan Andujar is one of the eighteen ASC theater students attending the RMTA (Rocky Mountain Theatre Association) “It’s a competition we go to every year where we participate in acting competitions as well as attend acting workshops. There is also a chance to get summer employment with theatres throughout the […]
Science Saturdays: February 6
Kelby Sinka The Paw Print The whine of servos (the sound robots make) and the flashing red, yellow, and green of blinking LED lights is enough to startle anyone without prior knowledge of what goes on at nine in the morning on Saturdays in The Science Activity Center, the building between Richardson and the theatre […]
An Evening of Cross-Country Skiing and Stargazing
Kelby Sinka The Paw Print The stars were out in full-force on Saturday February 6, giving observers almost enough light to see by as they snow-shoed and cross-country skied two miles up to the Rio Grande Club’s main parking lot. The lack of light wasn’t what made the trek difficult; it was that the observers […]
Adams State Climbing Club
Brenda Figueroa-Gonzalez The Paw Print Mathew Moore founded the Adams State Climbing Club several years ago. Club member Amy Dessain was an active participant and took over when Mathew graduated. The ASCC has since been very successful and currently have fifteen active members. “Some students just want to work out and learn about climbing but […]
How ASC Students Do Winter Break!
By: Brenda Figueroa-Gonzalez The Paw Print Here’s how some of our fellow ASC students spent their winter break: Kyle Bufis –“ It snowed almost three feet in a two day period over Christmas Eve and day in Minnesota. I think it was considered one of the largest snowstorms in Minnesota in ten years, virtually cutting […]
By: Nicole Plowright On Sunday December 6 Adams State’s Department of music put on their annual Winterfest concert. The Winterfest concert included all the performance ensembles within the music department in Richardson Hall. The program opened with the chamber choir, concert choir, and orchestra. They performed a preview of their upcoming performance of “Messiah” by […]
Movie Review: Ninja Assassin
Armando Montano Many college students revel in the release of any new martial arts film, particularly those involving Ninjas. While the newest Ninja movie is sure to have peaked interests of many fans, Ninja Assassin may not be exactly what movie goers are expecting. The film follows the plight of young ninja assassin Raizo, a […]
Top Holiday Gifts of 2009
By Jesse Medina Once again the Holiday season is upon us. It seems to come earlier every year and this year was no exception. So for some of us who have yet to ponder or purchase gifts for loved ones this year the following is a list of what are considered to be the top […]
Movie Review:A Christmas Carol in Review
By Jesse Medina With the Holiday season comes the slew of Christmas movies that wait ever so eagerly to debut. This year Disney has given us A Christmas Carol. Almost everyone is familiar with the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol but leave it up to Disney to put a somewhat different spin to it. […]
Gender Communication and Sexual Harassment Topic of Faculty Lecture
By Jesse Medina Dr. Brent King gave a faculty lecture to a large crowd at Porter Hall on Wednesday, November 11th. The topic of the lecture was social psychology, more specifically gender communication and sexual harassment. The lecture began with Dr. King giving the disclaimer: “Much of what we talk of are trends. Not all […]
Marvels Receive Award
By Cody Schuman On November 6, former Adams State College president, Dr. John Marvel and his wife, Francis, received the 2009 Willis Fassett Jr. Award. The award marks as the latest in many accolades for one of the college’s most influential people. Dr. Marvel strived for excellence through nearly half a century of devoted work […]
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