April 16th, 2015 — Announcement, Maintenance Announcements
**Thursday, April 16th**
Beginning at 9:00 PM, ALL Banner services will be down including School Services, Forms and Banner Printing for roughly 3 hours as we perform critical maintenance on the Banner networking and storage systems.
**Saturday, April 18th**
Beginning at 8:00 AM, ALL Banner services will be down as we perform a switchover from our primary to our standby server. Computing Services will do our best to minimize downtime, and hope to keep the outage to roughly 15 minutes. However, if things don’t go according to plan, the downtime could extend for up to two hours.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu
Computing Services
April 2nd, 2015 — Announcement, Maintenance Announcements
**Richardson Hall employees- VoIP telephone training opportunities for tomorrow (4/3)**
For those employees in Richardson Hall that missed our previous training sessions on the new VoIP system, Computing Services will be hosting two more classes. The classes take place tomorrow, Friday, April 3rd at the following times in the Richardson Hall auditorium:
9:00 AM
2:00 PM
We hope you can attend and learn the basic usage and functions of the new system.
**Computing Services Maintenance for tonight, 4/2/15**
Beginning at 9:00 PM, the campus file server will be down for roughly 30 minutes due to maintenance updates. During this time, home and shared directories will not be available.
At 6:30 PM, we will be installing a new certificate for our Banner forms server. No downtime is anticipated for this activity
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu
Computing Services
March 23rd, 2015 — Announcement
Over Spring Break, Computing Services will be doing inventory of the student computer labs and TEC Classrooms. In addition, our technicians will be installing some client software on the faculty and staff Macintosh machines.
If you have any questions, please contact the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at x7741.
Computing Services
March 12th, 2015 — Announcement, Maintenance Announcements
Beginning at 9:00 PM, Employee and TEC Classrooms will receive security updates to Windows, Thunderbird and Firefox. Employees are encouraged to log off but leave their computers on when leaving work for the day. This will assist the installation of these patches and minimize any impact.
Also starting at 9:00 PM, Computing Services will be doing several critical security updates on many of our Banner services. During this time, users will experience very brief outages to Banner services, which should last less than 10 minutes.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu
Computing Services
February 5th, 2015 — Announcement, Maintenance Announcements
Beginning at 9:00 PM, Employee and TEC Classrooms will receive security updates to Adobe Flash. Employees are encouraged to log off but leave their computers on when leaving work for the day. This will assist the installation of these patches and minimize any impact.
Also starting at 9:00 PM, Computing Services will be doing several critical security updates on many of our Banner services. During this time, users will experience very brief outages to Banner services, which should last less than 10 minutes.
***Decommissioning of the Banner line printer***
Computing Services will soon be taking steps to decommission the line printer in the Computing Services building. One of those steps is to replace the printer’s name (lpcs1) on the Banner form GJAPCTL for any jobs which currently have that name as the default.
If you use GJAPCTL, which is also known as Banner Job Submission, you may have seen the printer name “lpcs1” in the “Printer” field on the form. We will be replacing “lpcs1” with “NOPRINT” in the next day or so to ensure that jobs are not accidentally printed on the line printer.
Jobs that are submitted with a printer of “NOPRINT” will not print to a printer; instead, you’ll receive job results via email. If a hardcopy is required, change “NOPRINT” to the printer of your choice, but realize that jobs sent to lpcs1 may no longer print.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu
Computing Services
January 26th, 2015 — Announcement
All Adams State employees are now on Gmail! Based on feedback we’ve received, Computing Services and AITC will be hosting more Gmail trainings for employees who were not able to attend our previous sessions.
All sessions will be held in the School of Business, Room 129 (small computer lab). Topics will include:
Interface & Settings
Conversations vs. Messages
Composing and sending a Message (includes formatting, spell-check, attachments, drafts)
Replying to a Message
Adding dates to Google Calendar from a Message
Archiving vs. Deleting Messages
Organizing your Inbox
Folders vs. Labels
Using Thunderbird for Gmail
Using Gmail on your mobile device
The dates for the sessions are listed below. All sessions are the same so sign up for the session that works best with your schedule.
January 27, 2015: 9:00 – 10:00 am
January 28, 2015: 3:30 – 4:30 pm
February 3, 2015: 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Each session is limited to 24 participants so please register as soon as possible. Call AITC at 719.587.7371 if you have questions. We look forward to seeing you at a session!
Register by clicking on the link below and completing the form: (Choose Gmail Basics for the Title of Training.)
Also, remember to check out the ASU Google Apps Learning Center for videos, walkthroughs, and tips to get the most out of your Gmail account.
If you need any assistance with your new Gmail account please contact Computing Services at719-587-7741 or computingservices@adams.edu
Computing Services
January 14th, 2015 — Maintenance Announcements
Starting at 9:00 PM, Computing Services will be doing several updates and configuration changes on many of our back-end services. During this time, users will experience very brief outages to networking services, the most notable is the campus file server.
Beginning at 9:00 PM, Employee and TEC Classrooms will receive security updates to Windows. Employees are encouraged to log off but leave their computers on when leaving work for the day. This will assist the installation of these patches and minimize any impact.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu
Computing Services
January 13th, 2015 — Maintenance Announcements, Uncategorized
Computing Service will be doing work today to improve the reliability and capacity of the Campus Wireless Networking System. As part of that process the main wireless networking controller will need to be reconfigured. This reconfiguration will require rebooting the controller at least once and potentially as many as three times today. These reboots will result in an outage of all wireless networking service on our Campus for as much as 15 minutes in some areas as both controller and access points reboot. Services should return to normal after the system stabilizes. This will be the only announcement today so please remind others of the situation today. If there are any questions or concerns please contact the Help Desk at 7741. Thanks for your patience as we work to complete our preparations for the beginning of the semester.
Computing Services
January 7th, 2015 — Announcement, Maintenance Announcements
***All Campus Network Outage tonight, Wednesday January 7th***
This evening, beginning at 7:00 PM and lasting until roughly 8:00 PM, ALL networking services will be unavailable as we install critical, required upgrades to the campus core router. This includes Banner systems, campus internet and wifi, and file and printing services.
***Maintenance for Thursday, January 8th***
Starting at 6:00 PM and lasting until early Friday morning, we will be upgrading the campus Computing Services Helpdesk ticketing system. During this time, customers will not be able to login to the helpdesk system to enter or check the status of their workorder tickets.
Beginning at 9:00 PM, Employee and TEC Classrooms will receive updates to Flash, Reader, Acrobat and Firefox. Employees are encouraged to log off but leave their computers on when leaving work for the day. This will assist the installation of these patches and minimize any impact.
Also beginning at 9:00 PM, Computing Services will be applying updates to various Banner back-end servers. Brief reboots of these services will occur, but impact to our customers should be minimal.
Computing Services thanks you for your patience and understanding as we perform these critical maintenance activities. As always, if you have any questions, please call the ASU Computing Services Helpdesk at 7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu
Thank you and Happy New Year!
Computing Services
December 5th, 2014 — Announcement, Maintenance Announcements
In an attempt to simplify access to Google Drive, ASU Computing Services has created a new web alias. If you open a web browser and go to http://drive.adams.edu, you will go directly to ASU’s Google Drive login. This replaces the older alias http://docs.adams.edu. If you have bookmarked this previously, you may need to update your bookmark to point to http://drive.adams.edu
Thanks, and have a great weekend!