Research and Scholarly Activity


Nichols, D., Robinson, T. & Oranchuk, D. (2018). Kinesiology taping of the ankle does not improve dynamic balance in NCAA athletes. Athletic Training and Sports Health Care

Koral, J., Oranchuk, D. J., Herrera, R. & Gullaume, M. Y. (2018). Six sessions of sprint interval training improves running performance in trained athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32 (3), 617-623.

Oranchuk, D. J., Mannerberg, J. M., Robinson, T. L. & Nelson, M. (2018). Eight weeks of strength and power training improves club head speed in collegiate golfers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Oranchuk, D. J., Robinson, T. L., Switaj, Z. & Drinkwater, E. (2018). Comparison of the hang high-pull and loaded jump squat for the development of vertical jump and isometric force-time characteristics. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research


Oranchuk, D. J., Switaj, Z., & Zuleger, B. (2017). The addition of a “rapid response” neuromuscular activation to a standard dynamic warm-up improves isometric force and rate of force development. Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning, 25 (4), 19-24.