Photo By Brenda Figueroa: PROJECT Trio performs at Leon Memorial Hall
Armando Montano
The Paw Print
Saturday, Dec. 3 saw the presence of PROJECT Trio for a high spirited concert at the Leon Memorial Music Hall at Adams State College. The group consisting of three highly skilled musicians playing a variety of intricate and deeply devoted pieces was welcomed by a large and excited audience. all sorts of listeners including students and faculty from Adams, local musicians, aspiring students from the areas and loyal local supporters gathered together to enjoy the music.
Greg Pattillo on flute, Eric Stephenson playing cello, and Peter Seymour playing bass create together the group PROJECT Trio, from Brooklyn that have learned how to infuse their own creative flair with cultural and popular music with their intense background in classical music. The end result became a deeply passionate and very human performance that resonates their education and passion to form a highly ear-catching fusion of jazz, classical, rock and hip-hop.
The buzz of PROJECT Trio before they even began made it difficult for anyone running close to concert time to find an empty seat, and rightly so. Right out of the door the band began to play. Their own original piece came together perfectly, creating a very intricate and well balanced piece that practically vibrated the walls. Going into their own rendition of famous works and inspired works from their walk of life the first part of the concert was a wide range of music that amped up the audience and left them craving more. After the brief intermission, the band was back with even more fervor that captivated the room in the first place. Overall, the evening was a lively one, from the performers who carried a personal swagger and sense of humor amongst themselves and shared with the audience, to the absolute silence the room felt as the slightest and quietest notes were anxiously anticipated by everyone within earshot.
The concert followed an earlier performance that was free and open to the public of The Master Class, which local supporters and younger musicians from local school attended as a precursor of PROJECT Trio performance. Earlier that day, PROJECT Trio held a workshop and talked about their music style and their influences and interpretations of pieces. In addition to the talented performers as seen on stage, the group spends time and effort in educational efforts to support music and the acceptance of musical instruments in younger generations.
Events such as the PROJECT Trio concert are free to Adams Students and Faculty, and are very welcoming of the student population. Local Members of the friends of music are also free in partnership with the surrounding community’s support of significant events held on campus.
Tickets are available for purchase for non-members to attend musical events on campus and are available to all for further community participation. If you are interested in attending the next concert here at Adams, or learning more information about the performers and times, please feel free to contact the Adams State Music Office at 719-587-7621.
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