
ASC Takes Viral Meningitis Case Seriously

Rachel Decker The Paw Print Last week, the first case of Meningitis struck Adams State College. Though the affected student does not reside on campus, the outbreak was taken seriously, and Adams State worked quickly and effectively to keep the outbreak secluded. Ken Marquez, Vice President of Student Affairs, was the first to publicly confirm […]

El Parnaso Spanish Club Brings Day of the Dead to Life

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print For many in the United States, the celebration of Día De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead)   is merely a continuation of Halloween created by Mexican and other Latin American peoples.  However, the actual significance differs from Halloween which historically was celebrated by Celtic peoples to mark the end of […]

ASC’s Dirty Little Column with the Delicious Doctors Love

ASC’s Dirty Little Column with the Delicious Doctors Love

Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously.** Dear DLC, One of my suitemates is a really slutty, jealous kind of girl. Every boy I like she pursues. It’s getting annoying, what do I do?

Scholar of the Week: November 9

Scholar of the Week: November 9

Reggie Thompson The Paw Print Like, most non-traditional students at Adams State College, senior Alice Baker-Reinholtz is intensely dedicated to her studies. An English major with emphasis in Secondary Education and Liberal Arts, this exceptional individual realized her interest in the english works when she took Major Themes in Literature with Dr. Baker, despite initially […]

Nursing Student’s Haunted House

Rachel Decker The Paw Print The Haunted House production, put on by the Nursing students and staff in Richardson Hall, was nothing short of terrifying. The event, which ran the 28, 29, and 31 of October drew a crowd of over a thousand visitors, and the ghostly events did not fail to entertain With admission […]

Halloween Fun: Loft and Faculty Drive Parties

Ryan Dufresne The Paw Print Halloween, for many, is a time to celebrate and have fun. The Loft in the Student Union Building conducted a Halloween party. Coordinators, Brandi Gaherty, Connor Gifford, and Sarah Krupski helped to make the event run smoothly. The festivities included during the party were the pumpkin painting and donut eating […]

Dr. Jamie VanValkenburg Starts the Band off with a Bang

Reggie Thompson The Paw Print The Adams State College Concert Band, led by conductor Dr. Jamie VanValkenburg, held their annual Fall Band Performance on Friday, Oct. 28, in Richardson Hall playing for many students, citizens, and relatives of the musicians. The band put together a total of seven composed pieces, originally written by well known […]

Five Dollar Snack Separates Family for 18 Hours

Rachel Decker The Paw Print Twenty eight-year-old Nicole Leszczynski and her husband, 33-year-old Marcin Leszczynski were arrested last week and their daughter, 2-year-old Zofia was taken into state custody over nothing more than a couple of chicken sandwiches. “It was the most ridiculous chain of events that happened,” she said while sobbing Monday. “It’s still […]

Associated Student and Faculty Discusses Bill ASF111221

Savannah Schlaufman The Paw Print Monday, Oct. 24 the Adams State Student & Faculty Senate convened in Business 142. Presided over by President Matthew Martinez, the focus of the meeting was AS&F Bill ASF111221, written by Chief Justice Amber Harlan and Sponsored by Loraine Glidewell, Senator of Math, Science, and Technology.  The bill proposed two […]

Bringing Awareness to the Trauma of Domestic Violence

Jose Orozco The Paw Print A child cries and the sound echoes through an empty hall. The neighbors close their doors and shut their windows. The perpetrator strikes again, leaving three children as victims and their parent as the fourth. If not helped to break the cycle devastated children may continue in the footsteps of […]

SandHill Review Set to Publish for the Fall Season

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Imaginative literary expression either through poetry, short fiction and creative nonfiction coupled with artistic talent will be demonstrated in the first of two yearly editions of the “SandHill Review” for 2011-12. The literary magazine provides space for ASC community members and alumni to have their creative works read and seen […]

ASC Blood Drive a Good Cause

Ryan Dufresne The Paw Print Entering their twentieth year at Adams State, The Bonfils Blood Drive has seen an average of 30 donors per year. This year, Bonfils had 38 donors donating blood including students and staff of Adams State College. Tiffany Anderson, the Director of Marketing and Communications, said, “There will be two Blood […]

2012 Election Legislation Strips Five Million of Their Vote

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print With the 2012 election season on the horizon, a recently released report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan public policy institute, exposed major changes within the election law that could strip the voting rights of more than 5 million people. This could have a tremendous impact on the […]

The Mutual Harmony Between Music and Physics

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print Music and Physics may seem like diametrically opposed fields, but for those who apprehend the underlying concepts of these disciplines it is not hard to recognize that in many ways music and physics create a symbiotic relationship.  On Oct. 19, Associate Professor of Physics, Robert J. Astalos, Ph.D.  and Music […]

The Great Game Reanimated: War on Terror

Becca Paez The Paw Print On Sept. 20, I had the pleasure of listening to retired Pakistani Brigadier General, Rashkid Ali Malik. In his lecture, he talked of how, ever since the death of Osama bin Laden, many Americans have questioned whether the Pakistani are reliable allies or not. Malik assured us that for more […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
