
Women’s Professional Football League Stories

Jose Orozco The Paw Print Women’s history is a subject that is often left out of public school lesson plans, but on Wednesday night Dr. “Beez” LeaAnn Schell gave a “Herstory” of women in sports. The topic was football, but more specifically women’s professional football. The title of the presentation was, “not Lingerie or Fantasy: […]

Aftermath of Anti-Muslim Video in Middle East

Jessica Palacio The Paw Print In July of this year video clips of the film “Innocence of Muslims” were uploaded onto YouTube and no one could have imagined the repercussions that the video would cause worldwide. When Arabic dubbed versions of the clips began to appear in early September it took only 11 days for […]

SWAG 1100 Reasons to Stay Alive and Connect

Kaymarie Jones The Paw Print Last Wednesday, Sept. 19, the Suicide Watch Awareness Gang (S.W.A.G) revealed “1100 Reasons to Stay Alive and Connected” to Adams State University students and faculty members with a beautiful display of flowers on North Campus Green. Pete McDill, a Resident Assistant and S.W.A.G. member says, “SWAG is a student-led group […]

Participating in Special Interests Clubs is Fun

Arvilla Weldon Rotaract Advisor Dear Editor, Last week I submitted an article, but when it was rewritten it did not convey what I meant to say to show the ‘difference’ between joining a campus Special Interest Club and joining a campus Service Club. Special Interest Clubs are fun to belong to and I encourage students […]

Chili Cook-Off Brings Spice to ASU

Jessica Palacio The Paw Print Saturday morning saw the culmination of this year’s Autumn @ Adams with the annual Chili Cook-Off. With a beautiful cloudless day, the event kicked off late Saturday morning on the campus’ north green right in front of the football stadium. For the low price of three dollars AS&F and community […]

Special Interest Clubs Offered at ASU

Arvilla Weldon Club Advisor ASU students are welcomed to to join the special interest clubs on campus. Some of the groups include Spanish Club, Black Student Union, Sci/Fi Fantasy Guild and a number of service clubs. Participation in these groups can help applicants to gain preference in scholarships and employment after graduation. Service in one […]

Adams State University Increase Enrollment Overall

Dominique Davis The Paw Print After becoming a University in late May of this year, enrollment has began to increase here at Adams. As of the spring semester of 2012, enrollment has increased by thirty four percent since 2008. Adams State has continued to make its way to becoming an amazing school whether with new […]

Beloved Chemistry Professor Marty Jones Retires

Mariah Pepe Linda Relyea ASU PR   What would Dr. Jones Do? At the 2012 Adams State University spring commencement ceremony, Dr. Frank Novotny, vice president of academic affairs, drew attention to the green band around his wrist while addressing the packed gym: “Many of us today are wearing these bands with the initials, WWDJD […]

Grand Re-Opening of the Zacheis Planetarium

Amita Manandhar The Paw Print “There were over 800 children here, it was crazy,” said Kelly Shelton, a volunteer at the grand reopening event of the Zacheis Planetarium located in the Adams State University. That was the kind of crowd and reception the planetarium got when it reopened its door for the public. The planetarium […]

Rugby Comes to Adams State

Tanner Elliot The Paw Print Prop, scrum half, hooker, locker forward; these are not common terms found in typical American collegiate sports. This fall will be the first time that a competitive rugby team will take the “pitch” in Alamosa with Adams State embroidered across the chest. Over the past several years, only the club […]

Public Welcome to Planetarium Grand Re-Opening

Linda Relyea PR Department The San Luis Valley School Festival on Friday, Sept. 7, offers a number of Space Foundation activities and planetarium presentations for public Several free special events open to community members and public schools are planned as part of the Zacheis Planetarium Grand Re-Opening Celebration, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 6-7. The activities […]

Great Stories Celebration Starts off Fall Semester

Mariah Pepe The Paw Print The two-day celebration that took place on Aug. 23 and 24 opened with a Welcome Back Alumni Reception. From 1 to 3 p.m., alumni were welcomed to mingle and grab a snack before the other events kicked off. Donald McCallister, who graduated in December of 1950, attended with his wife […]

HPPE Opens Human Performance Lab for Fall

Jose Orozco The Paw Print Now that Adams State University has started its first official fall semester, the Human Performance and Physical Education (HPPE) department has also opened its doors for all campus and community members to visit the Human Performance lab. The lab is overseen by Dr. Tracey Robinson, and graduate assistant Maria Martinez. […]

Attempted Assault at Adams State University Campus

Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print The Adams State University police department is currently investigating an act of threat on campus. On Aug. 21 a student jogger noticed that she was being followed by a suspicious male. As she entered a campus housing unit he attempted to grab her by tagging at her shirt. She described […]

Open House Planned to Celebrate Planetarium Updates

Johnna Keever The Paw Print Over the summer Zacheis Planetarium was totally renovated now students will have an opportunity to celebrate the changes during the grand opening celebration beginning Sept. 7. Construction started in May and the finished product was tested out the first week of school.  The major renovations in the Zacheis Planetarium included […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
