AS&F Constitutional Amendment

Proposed Constitutional Amendment Due to the lack of interest shown towards assuming the Vice President of Finance position on the AS&F Student Government Executive Board, the station is currently vacant. Willing individuals outside of the senate have shown an interest in taking over this critical role; however, stipulations in the constitution (specifically Article IV. Section […]

Food Shortage Concern For Millions in Somalia

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print As Millions starve human rights abuses from both sides continue in Somalia According to the United Nations more than 12 million people are on the verge of starvation in the Horn of Africa, which includes all of Somalia and the coastal region of Kenya.  To compound this drastic problem further, […]

ASC Enrollment is at an All Time Hight Three Years Running

Megan Smith The Paw Print This year’s Adams State College freshman class numbers 582, an increase of more than 4 percent over 2010, according to Eric Carpio, assistant vice president for enrollment management. Adams State’s enrollment record was broken in 2010 by 2.9 percent. The previous enrollment record was set in 1970, during the Vietnam […]

McDaniel Hall Opening Held Off Until End of 2011

Nathan Crites-Herren The Paw Print As the 2011 semester gets underway, students and faculty have grown accustomed to the numerous construction projects that dot the campus landscape. . The campus construction and renovation project officially began on December 27, 2010 under the general management of Adolfson Peterson Construction and are still ongoing. Construction blueprints of […]

ASC’s Dirty Little Column with the Delicious Doctors Love

ASC’s Dirty Little Column with the Delicious Doctors Love

Dr. Chocolate Thunder and Professor Vanilla Lightning are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously.** If you haven’t heard of the Paw Print’s Dirty Little Column, you’re either new to ASC or have been living under the rock until its recent relocation.  In which case, we’re glad you […]

ASC Theatre Looking to Have a Strong Semester

ASC Theatre Looking to Have a Strong Semester

By Derek Chacon The Paw Print As a new semester begins, so does a promising season from the Adams State Threatre department. This fall season includes everything from American classics to contemporary comedies, and will be sure to provide high quality entertainment for everyone to enjoy Kicking off the season on the ASC main stage […]

Grand Opening Reveals Completed North Campus

Grand Opening Reveals Completed North Campus

By Melissa Skinner The Paw Print On Thursday, August 25 faculty, students, and alumni alike gathered in the north part of campus to celebrate the completion of a dream. The dream began on the Day of Reflection in 2007 when students told faculty they would like to see an upgrade in student housing. In 2009, […]

The Heart of La Puente

By Stephany Nellessen   Saturday, July 30, approx-imately 8 p.m. I finally made it to Colorado and although I am just approaching Denver I have an alluring view of the sun setting over the mountains. The sky is dark with a hint of orange and that bright ball of fiery light hardly revealing itself behind […]

College Is About More than Just Getting a Good Job

By David Mazel   One of the lessons of global warming is that our planet is becoming more and more of an artifact. More and more, our world is not what nature made it but what we are making it. What kind of world is it that we are making? And what kind of world […]

Construction Continues on the McDaniels Project

Will Cameron The Paw Print Beginning (what will hopefully be) my final undergraduate semester at Adams State College I am inclined to ponder the flurry of activity on campus that seems to promise wonderful things for the classes of the future.  However, it seems that I will miss many of the improvements and spend my […]

ASC Scholar of the Week- September 1

By Brenda Figueroa The Paw Print Joshua Wohlrabe, has been the first nomination for the new segment called Academic Student of the Week. This segment will allow Faculty and Staff to showcase ASC students that have gone above and beyond academically. Josh Wohlrabe excels in the music department. He plays a variety of percussion instruments […]

Athletic Events: August 31- September 9

Wednesday, August 31st Noon Grizzly Club Kick-Off Luncheon Inn of the Rio Grande Friday, September 2nd 9 a.m. (CDT) Volleyball vs. Texas-Permian Basin Canyon, Texas (West Texas A&M Lady Buff Classic) 2 p.m. (CDT) Volleyball vs. Eastern New Mexico Canyon, Texas (West Texas A&M Lady Buff Classic)

NFL Lockout Now More Likely Than Ever

Jesse Medina The Paw Print   Football is one of the most popular sports in the entire world. One could go about anywhere and find some trace of NFL regalia. Super Bowl Sunday itself has become a national holiday, effectively shutting down most of America.

Bin Laden’s Death Beneficial for Humanity and Peace

Lance Hostetter The Paw Print About a year ago I wrote a column centered on the basic idea of John Donne’s “Meditation 17.” In the meditation, Donne writes a rather poignant paragraph pondering the loss of human life and the correlation to the rest mankind: “No man is an island, entire of itself; every man […]

Bin Laden Death Celebration Inappropriate, Hypocritical

James Williams The Paw Print On Sunday evening, an undeniable sense of relief washed over the majority of the nation as President Obama announced that Osama bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan. That sense of relief is justified. Clearly, he was an evil man who celebrated violence against any and all whom he deemed […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
