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New client software for ASU employee computers

Computing Services will be migrating all ASU employee computers to a new management server the week of 6/25/12. The management server, System Center Configuration Manager 2012 (or SCCM 2012) is the system that is used to push all Windows updates, software updates, and new applications. You may get a popup notification that new software is being installed. No reboot will be required.

A new feature of SCCM 2012 is the Software Center, where Computing Services can publish optional installs of software, such as Office 2010. Rather than calling the HelpDesk when you would like to install software, you can install it yourself from the Software Center. Only programs we have built and tested will show up in the Software Center. Right now there are only a few programs listed, but we hope to offer more self-installable programs in the future. We welcome suggestions if there are programs you would like to see there!

After your computer has received the update to the new server you can find the Software Center by going to Start > All Programs > Microsoft System Center 2012 > Software Center.

If you have any questions please contact the ASU Helpdesk at x7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu

Thank you,

Computing Services

Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, June 21st

The following scheduled maintenance activities will take place during this week’s maintenance period:

-The campus Xtender (BDMS) server will be shutdown and migrated from the old VMWare cluster to the new cluster beginning at 7:00 PM. Immediately following the completion of this transition, Raven, the Banner forms server will be shutdown and migrated to the new VMWare cluster as well. Being that Xtender is not used after working hours, we’ve moved the maintenance start time up in order to complete these migrations by around midnight.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we press on with our improvements to the stability and reliability of our Banner environment. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call the ASU Computing Services Help Desk at x7741 or contact us via email at computingservices@adams.edu

Computing Services

Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 6/14/2012- Banner INB Change

The following maintenance activities will take place after 9 PM during our normally scheduled maintenance window:

-ASU will be converting from the old Banner INB to the new Banner INB connection for PROD on Thursday Night 6/14. By now Banner users should have tested the new connection to the DEVL database. If you have not yet done so, be sure to do that this week. By going through the DEVL connection process, you will setup your browser to work properly once we make the switch to prod.

-As part of this migration, users running Windows 7 will receive a new icon to Banner INB, and will also have the ‘Devl’ and Opera shortcuts removed automatically. Employees are encouraged to log out, but leave your computer turned on when leaving work on Thursday.

For the full announcement that was sent to all Banner Users, please see below.If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the ASU Computing Services Help Desk at x7741 or via email at computingservices@adams.edu

Thank you,

Computing Services

***Full Announcement***

Below is the original BUGS message regarding this change for those that need to review.

As part of the hardware and software migration towards Banner 9, the banner login (INB) interface will be changing. To assist with this change, we will update only the ‘DEVL’ login initially followed by ‘PROD’ in a couple of weeks. This will allow you to test your desktop on DEVL and resolve any issues before you would need to use it for PROD.

We will be changing the DEVL login on Monday, May 21. We ask that you login to DEVL during that week and test your ability to connect to DEVL. Follow the instructions for your desktop windows system, either XP or Windows 7.



If your computer is running on windows XP, you can test the login anytime starting May 21 by launching your current banner INB (Internet Explorer) program and selecting the DEVL radio button. You will likely have to

answer some prompts as it re-configures itself, such as allowing a java applet to run.

Specific instructions can be found at:


The PROD radio button will continue to function as normal.



If you are running on windows 7:

A new IE (Internet Explorer) INB icon will be pushed out to your desktop during the week of May 21. Watch for that icon to appear on your desktop. When it arrives, follow the same procedures as for the XP users, namely, launch the new IE INB, select the DEVL radio button and follow the instructions at this link.


Caution: Do NOT select the PROD radio button, it will not work and may cause IE to crash.

Please continue to use the Opera browser to access PROD during this period.



If you have problems, please contact the help desk at x7741.

Thank you


Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 6/7/2012 and Important Information for Departmental Email Account Managers

The following maintenance activities will take place after 9 PM during our normally schedule maintenance window:

-Important security and Operating System updates will be installed on the how-to wiki server, campus listserv, campus LDAP servers, and other web services. These systems will require a reboot, but users are anticipated to experience less than 5 minutes of service interruption.
-An upgrade to the campus VM storage arrays will be performed resulting in a brief outage to the blogs server and portions of the Student One Stop pages. This upgrade is being done to improve performance of our storage arrays.

*** Important Information for Managers of Departmental Email Accounts ***

If you are responsible for the management of a departmental email account (such as ‘ascoffice@adams.edu’) please click the link below to read the instructions for the renaming process due to the University name change:


If you have any questions or concerns, please call the ASU Computing Services Help Desk at x7741.

Thank you,

Computing Services

Departmental Email Accounts and the change from ASC to ASU

The message below was sent to the managers of ASU Departmental Email Accounts. Please read and follow the steps if you are the person responsible for updating the name of the account.



You are receiving this email because, according to our records, you are the person responsible for managing a departmental email account. Typically, these email accounts start with “asc,” such as “asccompserv@adams.edu”  and are used for coordinated       communication with students and customers. If you are no longer the person responsible for managing this departmental email account, please forward this message to the person who is, or call the help desk at x7741 so that we can update our records.

With the recent change from ASC to ASU, Computing Services has been developing a process to deal with the renaming of these departmental accounts. Below is the step-by-step process that we ask the managers of these accounts to follow in order to update the email address:

  1.           Choosing a new email account name- In a recent Cabinet meeting, it was agreed that the recommended naming       convention for departmental email accounts would be as follows: Whenever possible, choose a single word, or two words that accurately describes your department/area, and remove the “ASC” completely. For example, if the current email address is “ascadmissions@adams.edu,” we would suggest using simply admissions@adams.edu or if the current email address is ascstuaffair@adams.edu, we would suggest studentaffairs@adams.edu. The intent of this recommendation would be to make these email addresses simple, and avoid using shortened words or abbreviated departmental names whenever possible. However, if there is a compelling reason to include “ASU” as the prefix such as asuathletics@adams.edu, this is permitted as well. **NOTE- Please consider potential conflicts with other departments on campus when deciding on the new account name. For instance, heal@adams.edu might be obvious as the Higher Education Administration & Leadership program,       but could be confused with something in the nursing program. If you think there may be conflicting names, please communicate with the other departments to coordinate.
  2.           Submit a work ticket to Computing Services. To submit  a ticket directly, please visit http://helpdesk.adams.edu,       login with your Adams State username and password, and create a ticket under the “email” queue. If you have further questions or would prefer assistance in submitting the ticket, please call the help desk at 7741 and our help desk staff can enter the ticket for you. Be sure to indicate the existing email address as well as the new email address you are requesting. If you manage multiple departmental email accounts, you may put them all under one work ticket.
  3.           Follow the progress of the ticket. Once the ticket is opened, our email administrator will begin the process of renaming       the departmental account. Watch your email for updates from our helpdesk ticketing software which will keep you informed of the progress.
  4.        If you receive a “bad username or password” failure trying to log into your account after submitting a ticket to have your account renamed, please try logging in again using the new account name with the same password before contacting the helpdesk.
  5.           Forwarding and “bounce” messages. In order to make this transition smoother for our customers, we will be setting an       automatic forwarding of emails that are sent to the old account to the new account. We will also be sending the original sender of the message a “bounce” message that will ensure them that their message was delivered, but that they should       update their address book with the new email address. The forwarding and bounce messages for all of the campus’s departmental accounts will be in place through January 1st, 2013.

If you have any questions regarding this process or would like assistance, please call the ASU Computing Services Help Desk at extension 7741.

Thank you,

Computing Services

Banner Downtime Information

Late last night and early this morning, the campus experienced unanticipated network outages to key network switches. Unfortunately, at roughly 10:15 AM, the switch that controls much of the Banner infrastructure was affected and took down Banner. We are working to restore services as quickly as possible, and will notify campus when all Banner services are restored. Our initial investigation indicates that this is a problem with the firmware provided by the vendor on these switches. We will keep the campus posted on the status as information becomes available. We apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused, and appreciate your patience as we work through this issue.

Thank you,
Computing Services

All Banner systems scheduled to be down for conversion starting 4/13 at noon

This is a campus-wide reminder that all Banner services including School Services, Banner Forms, Banner Printing, and any other systems that rely on Banner will be taken down at noon on this Friday, April 13th for the conversion process. If there are any processes or reports that you need to run within any Banner system, please ensure that they are completed before noon. All users should log off by noon in order to prevent possible data loss when the systems are taken offline. All Banner services are anticipated to be restored in time for the opening of business on Monday, April 16th.

This is the culminating event of a long and complicated conversion process, and Computing Services appreciates all of the user testing that our user community has performed within the last few weeks as well as the support and understanding throughout the entire process. Please don’t hesitate to call the ASC Computing Services Helpdesk at x7741 or via email if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Computing Services

Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, April 5th 2012

Computing Services will be performing the following maintenance beginning tonight at 9:00 PM:

  • The old Microsoft Printing server will be shutdown and decommissioned at 9 PM. Please see the important message below regarding this change:

For all Employees, if you have not done so already, you will need to delete any printers that are mapped to SRVPRN1 and re-map them to SRVPRN2. If you do not complete this new mapping you will be unable to print on Friday morning.

If your printers show as PRINTERNAME on SRVPRN2 you are already mapped to the new print server and do not need to take any action. Make sure you only delete printers that show as PRINTERNAME on SRVPRN1.

Here are some how-to articles on deleting and re-adding printers:



Also, as part of this transition, all networked printers will be set to print duplex (double-sided) if the printer supports this feature. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please call the Computing Services Help Desk at x7741 or contact us via email at asccompserv@adams.edu

Thank you!

Computing Services

Computing Services Maintenance and Important Network Printing Announcement, (3/29)

Computing Services is performing two minor maintenance activities tonight (3/29) which include a reboot of several campus web servers and the LDAP server beginning at 9:00 PM during our maintenance window. No noticeable impact is anticipated for our users.

***Print Server Migration Info and Deadline- Please Read***

Computing Services is in the process of migrating to a new print server and decommissioning the old one. The new print server (SRVPRN2) has been in service since last summer, and many people are already using it. Any printers that have been set up since last summer are likely set up on the new print server. To finish the migration off of the old print server, we need to have each employee delete any mappings that may be pointing at the old print server. Different network printer mappings show up for each logged in user, so each user that logs into a computer must go through this process.

The old print server will be shut down on 4/5/12 as part of our Thursday night maintenance. Please make sure you complete this process before then.

When you look at your printer list, please delete any that may say PRINTERNAME on SRVPRN1. All your printers should be listed as PRINTERNAME on SRVPRN2.

Here are how-to articles on deleting and re-adding printers:



As part of Adams State College’s sustainability initiative, all printers that are capable of duplexing (double-sided printing) will be set to do so by default. Users will still have the option to print one-sided if they change the setting in the document print properties.
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please call the Computing Services Help Desk at x7741.

Thank you,

Computing Services

Computing Services Maintenance for Thursday, 3/22 and Banner downtime Saturday, 3/24

The following maintenance activities will take place this Thursday (3/22) beginning at 9 PM:

  • The campus blog server, email list server, and how-to server will be rebooted after critical security patches are installed. User impact should be minimal.
  • All employee PCs and TEC Classroom PCs will receive critical security patches. Employees are encouraged to leave their computers turned on, but to log out when leaving work for the day to assist with the patching process.

All Banner Services will be unavailable from roughly 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM this Saturday, 3/24 as we perform maintenance on the Banner system and the Banner Extender (BDMS) system. This outage includes all on-campus Banner services as well as School Services on the web.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ASC Computing Services Help Desk at x7741 or via email at asccompserv@adams.edu

Thank you,

Computing Services