Departmental Email Accounts and the change from ASC to ASU

The message below was sent to the managers of ASU Departmental Email Accounts. Please read and follow the steps if you are the person responsible for updating the name of the account.



You are receiving this email because, according to our records, you are the person responsible for managing a departmental email account. Typically, these email accounts start with “asc,” such as “”  and are used for coordinated       communication with students and customers. If you are no longer the person responsible for managing this departmental email account, please forward this message to the person who is, or call the help desk at x7741 so that we can update our records.

With the recent change from ASC to ASU, Computing Services has been developing a process to deal with the renaming of these departmental accounts. Below is the step-by-step process that we ask the managers of these accounts to follow in order to update the email address:

  1.           Choosing a new email account name- In a recent Cabinet meeting, it was agreed that the recommended naming       convention for departmental email accounts would be as follows: Whenever possible, choose a single word, or two words that accurately describes your department/area, and remove the “ASC” completely. For example, if the current email address is “,” we would suggest using simply or if the current email address is, we would suggest The intent of this recommendation would be to make these email addresses simple, and avoid using shortened words or abbreviated departmental names whenever possible. However, if there is a compelling reason to include “ASU” as the prefix such as, this is permitted as well. **NOTE- Please consider potential conflicts with other departments on campus when deciding on the new account name. For instance, might be obvious as the Higher Education Administration & Leadership program,       but could be confused with something in the nursing program. If you think there may be conflicting names, please communicate with the other departments to coordinate.
  2.           Submit a work ticket to Computing Services. To submit  a ticket directly, please visit,       login with your Adams State username and password, and create a ticket under the “email” queue. If you have further questions or would prefer assistance in submitting the ticket, please call the help desk at 7741 and our help desk staff can enter the ticket for you. Be sure to indicate the existing email address as well as the new email address you are requesting. If you manage multiple departmental email accounts, you may put them all under one work ticket.
  3.           Follow the progress of the ticket. Once the ticket is opened, our email administrator will begin the process of renaming       the departmental account. Watch your email for updates from our helpdesk ticketing software which will keep you informed of the progress.
  4.        If you receive a “bad username or password” failure trying to log into your account after submitting a ticket to have your account renamed, please try logging in again using the new account name with the same password before contacting the helpdesk.
  5.           Forwarding and “bounce” messages. In order to make this transition smoother for our customers, we will be setting an       automatic forwarding of emails that are sent to the old account to the new account. We will also be sending the original sender of the message a “bounce” message that will ensure them that their message was delivered, but that they should       update their address book with the new email address. The forwarding and bounce messages for all of the campus’s departmental accounts will be in place through January 1st, 2013.

If you have any questions regarding this process or would like assistance, please call the ASU Computing Services Help Desk at extension 7741.

Thank you,

Computing Services