Wellness Wednesday

Carlos Santos
The Paw Print

The semester is just about halfway done, we are two weeks away from Spring break, and isn’t it a great feeling!  There have been numerous events every week on campus, whether it has been watching the success of Grizzlies sports or the awesome visiting speakers presenting for students and teachers.
For those who have not done so yet, stop on by the CASA House over on Faculty Drive to catch up on the regular Wellness Wednesday presentations and other wellness related programming.
Started last semester, the Wellness Wednesday event has been held every Wednesday starting at noon; a presenter along with snacks and fellowship have been all part of a concerted effort to offer wellness programs for ASU students.
Since success in life for college is contingent on how well a student takes care of their well-being, CASA has been promoting over-all wellness to support students and faculty alike.  Last semester, presentations were given by the Moki Organic Food Truck, Campus Ministry’s’ Shirley Atencio, Black Belt Salsa Instructor Oneida Maestas, and many other community members.
The goal of encouraging young adults to pursue all-around spiritual, mental, and physical wellness has been an awesome addition of regular events here at Adams State University.  This semester has seen an already astounding set of presenters on Substance abuse, meditation, and natural healing.  For the next two Wednesdays before break, Women’s Resource Centers’ Melody Reynolds will be finishing up her presentations on healthy Relationships entitled “The Dance We Call Love.”
As part of a five week min-course, the program focuses on how to have a healthy relationship while remaining open and honest with your partner regardless of age, class, and sexual orientation.  Presentations have been from 12pm to 1pm and followed by meditation groups held by Shauna Ianson and then free counseling sessions held by the Counseling Departments Alexia Deleon.
All students and faculty are encouraged to stop by anytime and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to expand their understanding of personal wellness on all levels.  If you have a presentation about wellness or know someone who is interested in giving one feel free to submit you contact information at CASA house any time during the week from 8am to 5pm.

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