The Paw Print’s Dirty Little Secret Column with the Love Doctors

Dr. Goodlove and Professor Toughlove are not real doctors or mental health professionals. Their advice should not be taken seriously.

Dear DLC:  My girlfriend always texts me 10 minutes before we’re supposed to meet up and tells me she’s going to be late.  WTF?

DGL:  That is annoying.  I’d suggest you try talking to her, but she’s likely to come up with some excuse for why she’s late (of course she has a good reason…).  It won’t fix the behavior and it won’t satisfy you either.  Here’s what you do:  Always schedule to get with her at least 20 minutes before you’re really planning to get there.  Don’t even show up until 20 minutes late and more often than not you’ll wind up in the same place at the same time.  Seriously, she’ll never even know the difference and you’ll be happy because 1) you can be smug about outwitting her and 2) it won’t feel like she’s standing you up all the time.

DTL:  If I had to guess I’d say something more important has come up.  Is she putting you off completely or just putting you off temporarily?  In other words, how long do you have to wait?  More importantly, is she worth waiting for?  If not, perhaps you should consider alternate options.  We used to tell a family member we were meeting a good thirty minutes before we were meeting just so she should be there on time.  That worked great, until she figured out what we were doing and started showing up an hour late just to annoy us.
Dear DLC:  My boyfriend is too busy playing Call of Duty to have sex with me.  How can I get his attention off the game and back on me?

DTL:  Call of Duty should be relegated to the ninth circle of hell, right along with Worlds of Warcraft and Walmart (not necessarily in that order).  What is it with boys and video games anyway?  I suppose you could always try the standard lingerie and slinky high heels tactic, but that’s soooo blasé.  My recommendation?  Threaten to flush the damn thing down the toilet or take scissors to the plug, if that doesn’t get his attention, nothing will.

DGL:  Two words: Get naked.  Wait, let me give you more than 2 words – get naked, get in his line of sight, get some whipped cream.  Done. is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
