Photo by Jose Orozco: Proper dinner arrangement was among the many lessons shared at the dinner.
Jose Orozco
The Paw Print
A stately event happened this leap year. The Adams State College Office of Career Services hosted an etiquette dinner and networking event on Wednesday, Feb. 29. The event was sponsored by T. Rowe Price, SLV Regional Medical Center, ASC MBA Program, Crossroads Turning points, ASC Teacher Ed., and Title V Grant. The event was free for seniors and $5 for other students wanting to attend.
Several attended in business casual and formal attire in the banquette halls of the S.U.B. building. A presentation highlighted the importance of knowing what is appropriate at a business meeting or interview process over dinner. The obvious thing to remember is the first impression.
That was highlighted by suggesting the ABC’s of image, appearance, behavior, and communication. Appearance shows how superficial and judgmental our society is by addressing how we dress and how we look. The behavior portion is more a social and cultural indoctrination interview. Communication has an example described above. How you interact with others, verbally, nonverbally, and written.
Of course it is important to know what is appropriate when and how you should behave so fashion tips were suggested for both men and women. The proper handshake can be important in any meet and greet in which you better know how to hold your drink and appetizer plate in one hand. Remember though, you are there to impress not to eat or drink as be the case.
If you are at such an etiquette banquette you would be expected to have formal catering with high class dinning. Sudexo showed an impressive display of catering for such an event. The appropriate dinner arrangement was displayed with the “work your way in” motif of fine china. We started with breaking bread and eating a delicious soup. Followed by the discussion of the big question everyone wants to know, elbows on the table situation. The rule is, “if everyone is finished eating and the plates have been removed feel free to support your posture with that infamous hinge joint.
Some other important tips to consider when dinning formally is that if you haven’t tried oysters before, now’s probably not the time to venture into the unknown. Also, be aware that some foods are meant to be finger foods and be friendly to everyone, including the wait staff. Everyone enjoys receiving that friendly thank you note and it is suggested to send one after such an event, it could mean the difference between a yes and a no response to your purpose for going.
This an awesome summary of the etiquette event. I enjoyed dinning with you.