Courtesy Photo: Ben Waddell
Irma Sandoval
The Paw Print
Hailing from Norwood, Colo. (near Telluride), Ben Waddell is a new professor with a different vision.
This Colorado native is a new addition to the Sociology Department at Adams State. Growing up, Professor Waddell was always fascinated by the motivation behind peoples actions. After taking a sociology course his freshman year at Ft. Lewis College in Durango, Waddell grew more and more interested in Sociology. Waddell says he was specifically interested in migration. It was interesting to him how a person could move a short distance and experience different cultural norms.
For his sophomore year, Ben transferred to University of Colorado at Boulder where he earned his Bachelors in International Relations after deciding that International Relations would be applicable to his career choices. While at CU Boulder, Waddell was able to study abroad in Managua, Nicaragua for six months in 2004, and that sparked his interest in travel. Waddell was also able to travel through out Latin America including Argentina, where he lived in Beunes Aires for eight months, and Beuno Ganajuato, Mexico where he met his wife.
After traveling through Latin America, Waddell attended the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque to pursue his masters degree in Latin American Studies with an emphasis in Sociology. Inspired by his travels, Waddell co-founded a program with Matias Fontenla, an economics professor at UNM, that takes an average of 18 students to Nicaragua each summer. While in Nicaragua, the students visit fair trade, free trade, and organic farms and look at sustainable resource development for the country. More information about how to apply for this travel opportunity will be coming out soon.
Waddell says he chose Adams State because he liked the idea of returning to Colorado. He especially likes Alamosa because he can bike pretty much anywhere, and enjoys the plethora of outdoor activities like hiking and skiing. He is enjoying his time here at Adams.
“It’s great teaching individuals that you can relate too. I feel like I was them at one point in my life, and it is really amazing to give back in that sort of way,” says Waddell of his favorite thing about Adams.
He is also enthusiastic about his colleagues in the department saying there is a strong sense of comradery and that it is a positive work environment where everyone helps each other. When asked how long he plans to stay here at Adams, Professor Waddell said with a chuckle, “Well my wife and I bought a house here, and it has a thirty year mortgage!”
Whether taking Sociology for a required Gen Ed, or majoring in Sociology, Waddell seems to be a great choice for a professor, he cares about the students, and enjoys having the personal connection with the class that is difficult to get at a larger university.
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