Party of Fear’s Fundraising Strategy

Anthony Guerrero
The Paw Print
Sarah Palin traveled to Canada to take advantage of the state’s Single Payer System, and how is everyone today that’s trudging the fight towards socialism? Doing well, I hope. If our government passes this legislation, I’ve made up my mind; I am moving to Costa Rica. Of course, I’ll have to get used to their government healthcare system, but, oh well, better than anything President Obama is proposing. Okay, okay, enough of my imitation of the logical thinking of the Republican Party. I’ve come today to speak of the party of fear’s new fundraising strategy; it’s a dandy.

The evil liberal media has recently reported that the Republican National Committee is being dramatically outspent by the Democratic Party by millions of dollars, four million to eighteen million, respectively. So what do you do when you’re the party of fear, and you need to raise some money? Well, in their own words, you “promote fear of President Obama and save the country from trending towards socialism.” Isn’t that insightful? These words come from an official fundraising document that was leaked, in which RNC Finance Director Rob Dickhart presented to top donors at a Republican Party retreat that was held in Boca Grande, Florida. In Spanish, Boca Grande means loudmouth, just a fun fact. The presentation included a powerpoint that outlined different donors, as well as what was depicted as “The Evil Empire.” The “Evil Empire” slide included caricatures with President Obama depicted as the Joker, Nancy Pelosi as Cruella DeVille, and Harry Reid as Scooby Doo. It appears that the Republican National Committee not only has no respect for our nation’s leaders, but also has little respect for its own supporters and donors.

A section of this presentation is entitled “RNC Marketing 101.” It divides donors into two categories, direct marketing and major donors, and explains how to approach fundraising with each group. Small donors are the targets of direct marketing and are listed under “visceral giving.” What is amazing is they list the motivations by which to reach into these individuals checkbooks. What are the motivations you ask? Well, I have never called the Republican Party the party of fear without having a valid reason. Here is my evidence:  the motivations of these individuals are listed as “fear”, “extreme negative feelings towards current administration”, and “reactionary.”  So that is the strategy of the Republican Party, that is how they will convince people to hand them their money, by making them fearful, negative, and reactionary. Sound familiar? I bet you it does. How very disrespectful to the supporters of the Republican Party and its donors. Even the Tea Party was appalled, but I have to wonder why anyone would be surprised.

Voter intimidation and mockery is nothing new to the Republican Party; it is inherent in their nature. Chairman Steele has even been a target of his own party who seem to be heavily dissatisfied with him. I wonder why? I won’t say it directly; I’ll let the reader use discretion. Chairman Steele has tried to distance himself from this fundraiser because its tactics have been exposed; otherwise, he’d probably be quite happy making members of the party of fear even more fearful. That didn’t stop them though. Everyone knows about the 2010 Census. In a classic Republican strategy to confuse and intimidate voters, they are sending mailings that state: “Do Not Destroy Official Document”, “2010 Congressional District Census”, and “the enclosed CENSUS DOCUMENT containing your 2010 Census of America’s Republican Leadership.” When asked, Chairman Steele offered no apologies.  Our evil liberal congress has had to introduce a new bill because of these tactics, entitled “The Prevent Deceptive Census Look-A-Like Mailings Act.” Until that bill is passed, intimidating Republicans for their ethical behavior, and until next time, beware of the liberal media!

5 responses to “Party of Fear’s Fundraising Strategy”

  1. Mr. Carbutt,

    I am also not a fan of either major political party. However, I don’t think it takes a quantum physicist to recognize that the Right Wing of American Politics plays to fear and intimidation much more than the Left. Although, both sides are quite adept at manipulation…..

    1. Mr. Green,

      If we really want a definitive answer to which side uses fear more a statistician would be much more suitable than a quantum physicist.

  2. Mr. Guerrero,

    Did you read the rest of the article by the Politico? I think you forgot to include some things from it. A quote from the Politico article”Manipulating donors with crude caricatures and playing on their fears is hardly unique to Republicans or to the RNC – Democrats raised millions off George W. Bush in similar terms – but rarely is it practiced in such cartoonish terms.” There is also a part in there that says that this strategy, which is clearly distasteful, will not be used. So it seems that you have not been entirely truthful with your audience. I’m really not a fan of politicians of either side and I think that they have and will continue to use underhanded tactics to get money and votes. Your article is a weak argument that fear, intimidation, and manipulation are something that only the Republicans do.

    1. Mr. Carbutt,

      I think the quotes you have presented are fair representations for you to bring to the table. You are right, the strategy, will not be used, because they have been exposed. Thanks for bringing greater truth and strength to an already truthful article.

    2. Also Mr. Carbutt,

      For someone who is not a fan of either political party, you are becoming notorious for coming to the defense of the Republican Party and their Conservative icons, whenever I criticize them. Never have met someone truly independent, quite like you. is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
