Horoscopes for the Week of November 1st-8th

Madam Shawcroft
The Paw Print

The focus is on career matters and goals this week, with the difference that this part of your life could go through a transformation. Deeply irritating circumstances could bring you to a point where you’re no longer willing to tiptoe around. You might be motivated by a determination that actually pushes you through to the next – and better – level. Problems could give way to exultation, perhaps not all at once but in the weeks or months to come.

You could go through a learning curve this week that opens new doors for you. There’s a very intense focus on your travel and adventure zone, suggesting that a journey might not be the fun picnic you hoped it would be. Try to avoid trouble spots too. It’s more than keeping out of danger. You might find that veils to hidden knowledge are lifted, giving you an added advantage if you can apply it. Attending a growth workshop could be dynamite.
This could be one week you won’t forget in a hurry. Frustration followed by a need to make decisions that have consequences could leave you bug-eyed. But that isn’t all. You could notice a strong desire to be free of problems and issues you’ve been dealing with lately. Rushing into anything might not be good for you, however. You might discover another way to make the changes you need – slowly and perhaps more profoundly, especially with the help of the Scorpio Solar Eclipse.

Communication could come to a standstill early on, but it could also be the catalyst for taking things to a new level in a relationship. After this week is over you might notice that something has shifted for good in your connection with one or more people. You’ll also sense that no matter what your decision, it’s the right one considering your circumstances. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio may confirm that you’re on the right track by underscoring all that you’ve been mulling over.

Various factors that might seem to involve personal issues and sensitivities could come to a head this week. You might be motivated by powerful emotions to take some radical steps. You might also feel you’ve reached the end of your tether concerning one particular issue and be ready to make a move. Lifestyle and health issues could play a role in this, but once the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio takes effect you may have no choice but to move outside your comfort zone.

You could feel frustrated, either by a love relationship or the lack of an opportunity to let your creative muse out to play. This could set the stage for changes you’ve been considering for some time. You might also want to escape out from under the thumb of someone who seems to have too much of a say in your affairs and long-term goals. Some intense conversations may follow, which could result in you deciding to do your own thing anyway, no matter what others think or say.
Home and family affairs may have been a sticking point for some time, but this week things could reach a crescendo. Perhaps you had an inkling of this earlier, but this time you might actually put a bold plan into action or say what you need to say. You could be looking to stop all the many incursions into your time and freedom, so something will certainly need to change. This week’s Solar Eclipse might encourage you to do something as soon as possible.

Getting someone to hear what you’re saying could be almost impossible early this week. It’s the sheer level of frustration that could harden your determination to make a stand. You can now get a lot closer to resolving this, although you might have to make a sacrifice too. Conversation could become very intense over the days ahead, which could either result in a breakthrough or a breakdown. The Solar Eclipse signals that you may be looking for a fresh start, whatever that entails.
Finances could be in the spotlight this week – and a source of frustration. However, this could also lead to a breakthrough later on. Current influences suggest that you feel squeezed and this could be the last straw for you. Once you set your mind to change things for the better, you could be amazed by what you can achieve. The input of a partner or adviser could be what helps you make a breakthrough.

The week ahead could be memorable for a number of reasons, especially for encouraging major change at a number of levels. With not one but two big influences stacking up for you, including a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, you might be pushed into taking a step that is long overdue. No matter what you’re holding on to, letting go is never easy, but this time it could prove very liberating and a revelation for which you’re very ready.

Your mood could become intense, so you’ll need to connect to your feelings and ride out the storm. Unexpected influences could rock your world this week and catapult you into making an unexpected choice. However, it might help to sit and meditate or spend time in reflection before you take action or your decisions may not be very effective. A blend of conscious thought and intuition may help you soar above any problems and come out all smiles.

Your social zone could be a witch’s cauldron holding a lively brew this week. Frustration with friends or a group might cause you to rethink your loyalties. Along with this, a family matter could come to a head, and you may end up wondering exactly where you do belong. Conversations could be intense and lead you to an inevitable conclusion. A Solar Eclipse on Sunday may be the decisive factor that encourages you to move on and make a few key decisions.

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