The Age of Technology: Positive or Negative?

Edith Arias
The Paw Print

In modern times, there seems to be three life necessities. Food, water, and technology. For some reason, we find a sense of security in having our cell phone in our hand at all times. With the recent release and hype of the iPhone 6, it got me thinking about how much we all rely on technology. It seems that American culture has evolved into something solely reliant on not people, but machines instead. Just like everything in life, technology has its good and its bad.
In many senses, technology is a wonderful thing. It is able to help in the medical field, education, and the ease of communication and resources. The new advances have been able to help many sick patients all over the world feel healthy again. Inventions like the x-ray, ultrasounds, and MRI machines have all assisted medical professionals around the world in making patient treatment easier and safer. Education has also been a benefactor when it comes to technology. The classroom learning environment incorporates technology often and sometimes even at all times. Teachers are able to use Powerpoint and Youtube for an easier more interactive way of teaching any subject. This saves the teacher time as well as helps those students who are visual learners. With the touch of a button we have access to the latest news, making communication lightning fast. This comes in handy when trying to get in touch with family and friends. It is easy to keep in touch with people in different cities and countries. There is no longer a need to write letters, a whole conversation can be had in a matter of minutes over text, instant messenger, or chat rooms. This is less tedious than having to mail letters and waiting for them to be delivered.
Technology has done much good on a grand scale, but is the good able to cancel out the bad? Technology, although it has many good traits, can be a negative influence in the lives of many. In several ways, technology is like a little green monster that has been able to manipulate millions of lives in the palm of its hand. This monster can be addicting, non-interactive, and unhealthy. People find themselves refreshing social media sites like Facebook and Twitter constantly. The need to know what their friends, family members, celebrities, and total strangers are doing at any given moment of the day becomes addicting. This then takes popularity to a whole new level. The need for “likes” has come to define our generation and to a certain extent might define an individual’s worth. Not only is this wrong but it is extremely alarming. Human beings are so much more than their online profile. Technology also makes peoples lifestyles more anti-social. If there is a question posed all a person must do is enter it in a search engine and there is a response within seconds. This hinders the interaction people miss out on from a face to face conversation. It is also proven that people who abuse technology tend to be less healthy compared to those who use it less. Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States because of too much technology and not enough exercise. All of these reasons make up the negative aspects of technology in the modern age.
So, is technology as a whole good or bad? The final decision is up to you… is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
