Curriculum I
- Curriculum IA emphasizes the mathematics at the levels of elementary operations, pre-algebra, and algebra. Curriculum IA is geared toward students who need a solid foundation in the essentials of algebra.
- The Curriculum IB coursework surveys the most important concepts relating to algebra I and II as well as geometry. In this course the instructor bases the lessons on hands-on activities within a cooperative learning environment.
- Curriculum IC emphasizes pre-calculus and trigonometry. This course is designed to further the studies of students who are interested in a math or science related career. In this curriculum the students are exposed to applied story problems, hands-on laboratory activities, and lectures to increase their interest and skills in math and sciences.
Curriculum II
- Curriculum IIA emphasizes two subjects: English composition and speech communication. In this curriculum, instructors teach reading, writing, and critical thinking skills by incorporating reading assignments, student speeches, debates, lectures, guest speakers, and group projects into their syllabus.
- In Curriculum IIB the focus in on composition and literature. Students explore a variety of genres in literature through interpretation, discussion, and writing. Composition projects include analysis, reaction, exposition, and creative writing.
Curriculum III
- Curriculum III presents students with a chance to experience a laboratory science class in a university setting. Each summer either a chemistry or biology class that includes both lecture and lab components is offered. Students participate in classroom activities to introduce concepts and then practice using these concepts in laboratory exercises. Topics such as laboratory safety, elements, weights and measures, and stoichiometry are explored. This course and it’s corresponding lab are taught in Adams State College science department facilities.