
Through the counseling program, Upward Bound meets with participants twice a month during the academic year in an effort to prepare students for post-secondary education. By assisting them with decision making skills concerning such topics as career exploration, college admissions, and academic preparation.

During the school year, counselors visit with participants at target schools for 30 – 45 minutes. The counselors set up curriculums for students according to what grade they are in and what aspects of future education they should be focusing on. These aspects include, ACT, study skills, scholarships, career exploration, etc. However, these counseling sessions are not only academically charged, they are also opportunities for students to talk to counselors who are willing to listen to the obstacles and triumphs students often need to express.

In the summer, an average of 6 counselors reside in the dorms and one main counselor who oversees them all. The purpose of the counseling program during the summer is to aide the participants in succeeding through the summer program. This is done in a variety of ways. Through both one-on-one sessions as well as group sessions counselors are in the dorm to help students adjust to a college atmosphere.

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